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jiangrui edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Acquire Loan List

  • Request description: Get loan history of the margin trading account.

  • Request type: GET

  • Signature required: Yes

  • Request Header:
    authorization:"xxxx"(32-digit capital letters, see generating method in <API invocation instruction>)

  • Request Url:

  • Request parameter:

    name type required description
    access_id String Yes access_id
    tonce Integer Yes Tonce is a timestamp with a positive Interger that represents the number of milliseconds from Unix epoch to the current time. Error between tonce and server time can not exceed plus or minus 60s
    market String No See<API invocation description·market>
    status String No status
    page Integer No Page, start from 1
    limit Integer No Amount per page(1-100)
  • Return value description:

    name type description
    loan_id Integer loan record ID
    create_time Integer create timestamp
    market String See<API invocation description·market>
    coin_type String coin token name
    loan_amount String borrow amount
    unflat_amount String amount and interest need to repay
    expire_time Integer expire timestamp
    is_renew Boolean false: close;
    true: open;
    day_rate String daily interest rate
    status String pass: in loan;
    burst: bankrupt;
    arrears: in debt;
    finish: paid off;
  • Example:

# Request
# Response
 "code": 0,
 "data": [
     "loan_id": 89,
     "create_time": 1515806440,
     "market": "BTCUSDT",
     "coin_type": "BTC",
     "day_rate": "0.0001",
     "loan_amount": "1.34216421",
     "unflat_amount": "1.00321543",
     "expire_time": 1515896440,
     "is_renew": false,
     "status": "pass",
 "message": "Ok"

HTTP API Introduction

Common API

Market API

Account API

Trading API

Margin API

Contract API

WebSocket API Introduction

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