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Project Snapshot 3

Patrick Nisperos edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 4 revisions

Snapshot 3

Identify completed activities

  1. Created ERD, implemented the database model in the code.
  2. Implemented the interface functions for the database.
  3. Implemented the backend for track, and album. They can now be recommended.
  4. Created a lot of frontend design such as:
    • Waiting animation for recommend page
    • Styling for the search page
    • Song Surf logo
    • Functionality of the logo
  5. Implemented error checking on empty searches, or missing items
  6. Improved the recommendation algorithm to have better recommendations
  7. Completed Snapshot 3

Gantt Chart


List activities behind schedule

  • frontend: make the recommendation page display the image, description, link along with the artist/album/track title.
  • frontend: implement the like/dislike buttons for each recommendation
  • backend: Implement the favorites to store onto database.

Specify tasks to be completed for next snapshot

  1. Modify current algorithm to pass in all data captured from into the local database.
  2. Need the favorites implementation of having the like and dislike buttons available and storing the data.
  3. Improve the overall website design.
  4. Create an interface from the frontend JavaScript files, to the backend Python files.

List challenges, concerns, blockers impeding the project from moving forward.

  1. One concern is to create an API for frontend JavaScript files to fetch and send data to backend python files.
  2. One concern is to make sure the database is working flawlessly