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Nikita Rokotyan edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

Cosmos is a WebGL Force Graph layout algorithm and rendering engine. All the computations and drawing are happening on the GPU in fragment and vertex shaders avoiding expensive memory operations.

It enables real-time simulation of network graphs consisting of hundreds of thousands of nodes and edges on modern hardware.

Quick Start

Install the package:

npm install @cosmograph/cosmos

Get the data, configure the graph and run the simulation:

import { Graph } from '@cosmograph/cosmos'
import { nodes, links } from './data'

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas')
const config = {
  simulation: {
    repulsion: 0.5,
  renderLinks: true,
  linkColor: link => link.color,
  nodeColor: node => node.color,
  events: {
    onClick: node => { console.log('Clicked node: ', node) },
  /* ... */

const graph = new Graph(canvas, config)

graph.setData(nodes, links)

Note If your canvas element has no width and height styles (either CSS or inline) Cosmos will automatically set them to 100%.


Showcase (via
