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Cosmos v2 (Beta version) configuration

Stukova Olya edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

Cosmos configuration properties

Property Description Default
disableSimulation Do not run the simulation, just render the graph. Cosmos uses the x and y values of the points’ data to determine their position in the graph. If x and y values are not specified, the position of the points will be assigned randomly. This property will be applied only on component initialization and it can't be changed using the setConfig method false
backgroundColor Canvas background color #222222
spaceSize Simulation space size (max 8192) 4096
defaultPointColor The default color to use for points when no point colors are provided, or if the color value in the array is undefined or null. This can be either a hex color string (e.g., '#b3b3b3') or an array of RGBA values in the format [red, green, blue, alpha] where each value is a number between 0 and 255 #b3b3b3
pointGreyoutOpacity Greyed out point opacity value when the selection is active 0.1
defaultPointSize The default size value to use for points when no point sizes are provided or if the size value in the array is undefined or null 4
pointSizeScale Scale factor for the point size 1
hoveredPointCursor Cursor style to use when hovering over a point auto
renderHoveredPointRing Turns ring rendering around a point on hover on / off true
hoveredPointRingColor Hovered point ring color hex value or an array of RGBA values undefined
focusedPointRingColor Focused point ring color hex value or an array of RGBA values white
focusedPointIndex Set focus on a point by index. A ring will be highlighted around the focused point. Has priority over the setFocusedPointByIndex method. When set to undefined, no point is focused. white
renderLinks Turns link rendering on / off true
defaultLinkColor The default color to use for links when no link colors are provided, or if the color value in the array is undefined or null. This can be either a hex color string (e.g., '#666666') or an array of RGBA values in the format [red, green, blue, alpha] where each value is a number between 0 and 255 #666666
linkGreyoutOpacity Greyed out link opacity value when the selection is active 0.1
defaultLinkWidth The default width value to use for links when no link widths are provided or if the width value in the array is undefined or null 1
linkWidthScale Scale factor for the link width 1
curvedLinks If set to true, links are rendered as curved lines. Otherwise as straight lines false
curvedLinkSegments Number of segments in a curved line 19
curvedLinkWeight Weight affects the shape of the curve 0.8
curvedLinkControlPointDistance Defines the position of the control point of the curve on the normal from the centre of the line. If set to 1 then the control point is at a distance equal to the length of the line 0.5
defaultLinkArrows The default link arrow value that controls whether or not to display link arrows true
linkArrowsSizeScale Scale factor for the link arrows size 1
linkVisibilityDistanceRange The range defines the minimum and maximum link visibility distance in pixels.

The link will be fully opaque when its length is less than the first number in the array, and will have linkVisibilityMinTransparency transparency when its length is greater than the second number in the array.

This distance is defined in screen space coordinates and will change as you zoom in and out (e.g. links become longer when you zoom in, and shorter when you zoom out).
[50, 150]
linkVisibilityMinTransparency The transparency value that the link will have when its length reaches the maximum link distance value from linkVisibilityDistanceRange. 0.25
useQuadtree Use the classic quadtree algorithm for the Many-Body force. This property will be applied only on component initialization and it can't be changed using the setConfig method.

⚠ The algorithm might not work on some GPUs (e.g. Nvidia) and on Windows (unless you disable ANGLE in the browser settings).
simulation Simulation parameters and event listeners See Simulation configuration table for more details
events.onClick Callback function that will be called on every canvas click. If clicked on a point, its index will be passed as the first argument, position as the second argument and the corresponding mouse event as the third argument:: (index: number | undefined, pointPosition: [number, number] | undefined, event: MouseEvent) => void undefined
events.onMouseMove Callback function that will be called when mouse movement happens. If the mouse moves over a point, its index will be passed as the first argument, position as the second argument and the corresponding mouse event as the third argument: (index: number undefined, pointPosition: [number, number]
events.onPointMouseOver Callback function that will be called when a point appears under the mouse as a result of a mouse event, zooming and panning, or movement of points. The point index will be passed as the first argument, position as the second argument and the corresponding mouse event or D3's zoom event as the third argument: (index: number, pointPosition: [number, number], event: MouseEvent D3DragEvent<HTMLCanvasElement, undefined, Hovered>
events.onPointMouseOut Callback function that will be called when a point is no longer underneath the mouse pointer because of a mouse event, zoom/pan event, or movement of points. The corresponding mouse event or D3's zoom event will be passed as the first argument: (event: MouseEvent D3ZoomEvent<HTMLCanvasElement, undefined>
events.onZoomStart Callback function that will be called when zooming or panning starts. First argument is a D3 Zoom Event and second indicates whether the event has been initiated by a user interaction (e.g. a mouse event): (event: D3ZoomEvent, userDriven: boolean) => void undefined
events.onZoom Callback function that will be called continuously during zooming or panning. First argument is a D3 Zoom Event and second indicates whether the event has been initiated by a user interaction (e.g. a mouse event): (event: D3ZoomEvent, userDriven: boolean) => void undefined
events.onZoomEnd Callback function that will be called when zooming or panning ends. First argument is a D3 Zoom Event and second indicates whether the event has been initiated by a user interaction (e.g. a mouse event): (event: D3ZoomEvent, userDriven: boolean) => void undefined
events.onDragStart Callback function that will be called when dragging starts. First argument is a D3 Drag Event: (event: D3DragEvent) => void undefined
events.onDrag Callback function that will be called continuously during dragging. First argument is a D3 Drag Event: (event: D3DragEvent) => void undefined
events.onDragEnd Callback function that will be called when dragging ends. First argument is a D3 Drag Event: (event: D3DragEvent) => void undefined
showFPSMonitor Show WebGL performance monitor false
pixelRatio Canvas pixel ratio 2
scalePointsOnZoom Scale the points when zooming in or out true
initialZoomLevel Initial zoom level. Can be set once during graph initialization 1
disableZoom Disables zooming in and out false
enableDrag Enables or disables dragging of points in the graph false
fitViewOnInit Whether to center and zoom the view to fit all points in the scene on initialization or not true
fitViewDelay Delay in milliseconds before fitting the view when fitViewOnInit is enabled. Useful if you want the layout to stabilize a bit before fitting 250
fitViewPadding Padding to apply when fitting the view to show all points. This value is added to the calculated bounding box to provide some extra space around the points. This is used when the fitViewOnInit option is enabled 0.1
fitViewDuration Duration in milliseconds for fitting the view to show all points when fitViewOnInit is enabled 250
fitViewByPointsInRect When fitViewOnInit is set to true, fits the view to show the points within a rectangle defined by its two corner coordinates [[left, bottom], [right, top]] in the scene space undefined
randomSeed Providing a randomSeed value allows you to control the randomness of the layout across different simulation runs. It is useful when you want the graph to always look the same on same datasets.

This property will be applied only on component initialization and it can't be changed using the setConfig method.
pointSamplingDistance Point sampling distance in pixels between neighboring points when calling the getSampledPointPositionsMap method. This parameter determines how many points will be included in the sample 150

Simulation configuration

Cosmos layout algorithm was inspired by the d3-force simulation forces: Link, Many-Body, Gravitation, and Centering. It provides several simulation settings to adjust the layout. Each of them can be changed in real time, while the simulation is in progress.

Property Description Recommended range Default
repulsion Repulsion force coefficient 0.0 – 2.0 1.0
repulsionTheta Decreases / increases the detalization of the Many-Body force calculations.

When useQuadtree is set to true, this property corresponds to the Barnes–Hut approximation criterion.
0.3 – 2.0 1.15
repulsionQuadtreeLevels Barnes–Hut approximation depth.

Can only be used when useQuadtree is set true.
5 – 12 12
linkSpring Link spring force coefficient 0.0 – 2.0 1.0
linkDistance Minimum link distance 1 – 20 10
linkDistRandomVariationRange Link distance randomness multiplier range [0.8 – 1.2,
1.2 – 2.0]
[1.0, 1.2]
gravity Gravity force coefficient 0.0 – 1.0 0.25
center Centering force coefficient 0.0 – 1.0 0.0
friction Friction coefficient 0.8 – 1.0 0.85
decay Force simulation decay coefficient.

Use smaller values if you want the simulation to "cool down" slower.
100 – 10 000 5000
repulsionFromMouse Repulsion from the mouse pointer force coefficient. The repulsion force is activated by pressing the right mouse button. 0.0 – 5.0 2.0
simulation.onStart Callback function that will be called when the simulation starts undefined
simulation.onTick Callback function that will be called on every simulation tick.

The value of the first argument alpha will decrease over time as the simulation "cools down". If there's a point under the mouse pointer, its index will be passed as the second argument and position as the third argument: (alpha: number, hoveredIndex: number | undefined, pointPosition: [number, number] | undefined) => void`
simulation.onEnd Callback function that will be called when the simulation stops undefined
simulation.onPause Callback function that will be called when the simulation gets paused undefined
simulation.onRestart Callback function that will be called when the simulation is restarted undefined