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ck edited this page Oct 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

async Retrieves the votes given to beatmap set discussions.

Usage example

const { auth, v2 } = require('osu-api-extended');

async function main() {
  try {
    await auth.login({
      type: 'v2',
      client_id: CLIENT_ID,
      client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
      cachedTokenPath: './test.json' // path to the file your auth token will be saved (to prevent osu!api spam)

    const result = await v2.beatmaps.discussions.votes({ discussion_id: 4533908 });
    if (result.error != null) {

  } catch (error) {

Parameter Type Description
params.discussion_id? number
params.sort? 'id_desc' 'id_asc'
params.score? '1' '-1'
params.user? number
params.receiver? number
params.limit? number
params.cursor_string? string
addons.legacy_only? boolean
addons.apiVersion? '20240130' '99999999'
addons.authKey? string
addons.timeout_ms? number
addons.ignoreSessionRefresh? boolean


export interface BeatmapsDiscussionsVotesResponse {
  discussions: Discussion[]
  users: User[]
  votes: Vote[]
  cursor?: Cursor
  cursor_string?: string

export interface Discussion {
  id: number
  beatmapset_id: number
  beatmap_id?: number
  user_id: number
  deleted_by_id: any
  message_type: string
  parent_id: any
  timestamp?: number
  resolved: boolean
  can_be_resolved: boolean
  can_grant_kudosu: boolean
  created_at: string
  updated_at: string
  deleted_at: any
  last_post_at: string
  kudosu_denied: boolean

export interface User {
  avatar_url: string
  country_code: string
  default_group: string
  id: number
  is_active: boolean
  is_bot: boolean
  is_deleted: boolean
  is_online: boolean
  is_supporter: boolean
  last_visit?: string
  pm_friends_only: boolean
  profile_colour?: string
  username: string
  groups: Group[]

export interface Group {
  colour: string
  has_listing: boolean
  has_playmodes: boolean
  id: number
  identifier: string
  is_probationary: boolean
  name: string
  short_name: string
  playmodes: string[]

export interface Vote {
  beatmapset_discussion_id: number
  created_at: string
  id: number
  score: number
  updated_at: string
  user_id: number

export interface Cursor {
  page: number
  limit: number

[v3.x.x] Documentation

[v2.x.x] Documentation

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