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async Retrieve a list of scores from playlists.

Usage example

const { auth, v2 } = require('osu-api-extended');

async function main() {
  try {
    await auth.login({
      type: 'lazer',
      cachedTokenPath: './test.json' // path to the file your auth token will be saved (to prevent osu!api spam)

    const result = await v2.rooms.scores({
      type: 'all',

      id: 582709,
      playlist_id: 5302678,
    // or
    const result = await v2.rooms.scores({
      type: 'single',

      id: 582709,
      playlist_id: 5302678,
      score_id: 2414452489,
    // or
    const result = await v2.rooms.scores({
      type: 'user_highest',

      id: 582709,
      playlist_id: 5302678,
      user_id: 35015585,
    if (result.error != null) {

  } catch (error) {

Parameter Type Description
params. 'all' or 'single' or 'user_highest' number
params.playlist_id number
params.limit? number
params.sort? 'score_asc' 'score_desc'
params.cursor_string? number
params.score_id? number
params.user_id? number
addons.legacy_only? boolean
addons.apiVersion? '20240130' '99999999'
addons.authKey? string
addons.timeout_ms? number
addons.ignoreSessionRefresh? boolean


Types for type: all

import { Mod } from "../mods"

export interface RoomsScoresAllResponse {
 params: Params
 scores: Score[]
 total: number
 user_score: any
 cursor: any
 cursor_string: any

export interface Params {
 limit: number
 sort: string

export interface Score {
 playlist_item_id: number
 room_id: number
 solo_score_id: number
 ranked: boolean
 preserve: boolean
 processed: boolean
 maximum_statistics: MaximumStatistics
 mods: Mod[]
 statistics: Statistics
 beatmap_id: number
 best_id: any
 id: number
 rank: string
 type: string
 user_id: number
 accuracy: number
 build_id: number
 ended_at: string
 has_replay: boolean
 is_perfect_combo: boolean
 legacy_perfect: boolean
 legacy_score_id: any
 legacy_total_score: number
 max_combo: number
 passed: boolean
 pp: number
 ruleset_id: number
 started_at: string
 total_score: number
 replay: boolean
 current_user_attributes: CurrentUserAttributes
 user: User

export interface MaximumStatistics {
 great: number
 ignore_hit: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface Statistics {
 perfect?: number
 good?: number
 ok?: number
 great?: number
 meh?: number
 miss?: number
 ignore_hit: number
 ignore_miss: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number
 large_tick_miss?: number

export interface CurrentUserAttributes {
 pin: any

export interface User {
 avatar_url: string
 country_code: string
 default_group: string
 id: number
 is_active: boolean
 is_bot: boolean
 is_deleted: boolean
 is_online: boolean
 is_supporter: boolean
 last_visit: string
 pm_friends_only: boolean
 profile_colour: any
 username: string
 country: Country
 cover: Cover

export interface Country {
 code: string
 name: string

export interface Cover {
 custom_url: any
 url: string
 id: string

Types for type: single

import { Mod } from "../mods"

export interface RoomsScoresSingleResponse {
 playlist_item_id: number
 room_id: number
 solo_score_id: number
 ranked: boolean
 preserve: boolean
 maximum_statistics: MaximumStatistics
 mods: Mod[]
 statistics: Statistics
 beatmap_id: number
 best_id: any
 id: number
 rank: string
 type: string
 user_id: number
 accuracy: number
 build_id: number
 ended_at: string
 has_replay: boolean
 is_perfect_combo: boolean
 legacy_perfect: boolean
 legacy_score_id: any
 legacy_total_score: number
 max_combo: number
 passed: boolean
 pp: number
 ruleset_id: number
 started_at: string
 total_score: number
 replay: boolean
 current_user_attributes: CurrentUserAttributes
 user: User
 position: number
 scores_around: ScoresAround

export interface MaximumStatistics {
 great: number
 ignore_hit: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface Statistics {
 perfect?: number
 good?: number
 ok?: number
 great?: number
 meh?: number
 miss?: number
 ignore_hit: number
 ignore_miss: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface CurrentUserAttributes {
 pin: any

export interface User {
 avatar_url: string
 country_code: string
 default_group: string
 id: number
 is_active: boolean
 is_bot: boolean
 is_deleted: boolean
 is_online: boolean
 is_supporter: boolean
 last_visit: string
 pm_friends_only: boolean
 profile_colour: any
 username: string
 country: Country
 cover: Cover

export interface Country {
 code: string
 name: string

export interface Cover {
 custom_url: any
 url: string
 id: string

export interface ScoresAround {
 higher: Higher
 lower: Lower

export interface Higher {
 scores: any[]
 params: Params
 cursor: any
 cursor_string: any

export interface Params {
 limit: number
 sort: string

export interface Lower {
 scores: Score[]
 params: Params2
 cursor: any
 cursor_string: any

export interface Score {
 playlist_item_id: number
 room_id: number
 solo_score_id: number
 ranked: boolean
 preserve: boolean
 maximum_statistics: MaximumStatistics2
 mods: Mod[]
 statistics: Statistics2
 beatmap_id: number
 best_id: any
 id: number
 rank: string
 type: string
 user_id: number
 accuracy: number
 build_id: number
 ended_at: string
 has_replay: boolean
 is_perfect_combo: boolean
 legacy_perfect: boolean
 legacy_score_id: any
 legacy_total_score: number
 max_combo: number
 passed: boolean
 pp: number
 ruleset_id: number
 started_at: string
 total_score: number
 replay: boolean
 current_user_attributes: CurrentUserAttributes2
 user: User2

export interface MaximumStatistics2 {
 great: number
 ignore_hit: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface Statistics2 {
 perfect?: number
 good?: number
 ok?: number
 great?: number
 meh?: number
 miss?: number
 ignore_hit: number
 ignore_miss: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 large_tick_miss: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface CurrentUserAttributes2 {
 pin: any

export interface User2 {
 avatar_url: string
 country_code: string
 default_group: string
 id: number
 is_active: boolean
 is_bot: boolean
 is_deleted: boolean
 is_online: boolean
 is_supporter: boolean
 last_visit: string
 pm_friends_only: boolean
 profile_colour: any
 username: string
 country: Country2
 cover: Cover2

export interface Country2 {
 code: string
 name: string

export interface Cover2 {
 custom_url: any
 url: string
 id: string

export interface Params2 {
 limit: number
 sort: string

Types for type: user_highest

import { Mod } from "../mods"

export interface RoomScoresUserHighestResponse {
 playlist_item_id: number
 room_id: number
 solo_score_id: number
 ranked: boolean
 preserve: boolean
 maximum_statistics: MaximumStatistics
 mods: Mod[]
 statistics: Statistics
 beatmap_id: number
 best_id: any
 id: number
 rank: string
 type: string
 user_id: number
 accuracy: number
 build_id: number
 ended_at: string
 has_replay: boolean
 is_perfect_combo: boolean
 legacy_perfect: boolean
 legacy_score_id: any
 legacy_total_score: number
 max_combo: number
 passed: boolean
 pp: number
 ruleset_id: number
 started_at: string
 total_score: number
 replay: boolean
 current_user_attributes: CurrentUserAttributes
 user: User
 position: number
 scores_around: ScoresAround

export interface MaximumStatistics {
 great: number
 ignore_hit: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface Statistics {
 perfect?: number
 good?: number
 ok?: number
 great?: number
 meh?: number
 miss?: number
 ignore_hit: number
 ignore_miss: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 large_tick_miss: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface CurrentUserAttributes {
 pin: any

export interface User {
 avatar_url: string
 country_code: string
 default_group: string
 id: number
 is_active: boolean
 is_bot: boolean
 is_deleted: boolean
 is_online: boolean
 is_supporter: boolean
 last_visit: string
 pm_friends_only: boolean
 profile_colour: any
 username: string
 country: Country
 cover: Cover

export interface Country {
 code: string
 name: string

export interface Cover {
 custom_url: any
 url: string
 id: string

export interface ScoresAround {
 higher: Higher
 lower: Lower

export interface Higher {
 scores: Score[]
 params: Params
 cursor: any
 cursor_string: any

export interface Score {
 playlist_item_id: number
 room_id: number
 solo_score_id: number
 ranked: boolean
 preserve: boolean
 maximum_statistics: MaximumStatistics2
 mods: Mod[]
 statistics: Statistics2
 beatmap_id: number
 best_id: any
 id: number
 rank: string
 type: string
 user_id: number
 accuracy: number
 build_id: number
 ended_at: string
 has_replay: boolean
 is_perfect_combo: boolean
 legacy_perfect: boolean
 legacy_score_id: any
 legacy_total_score: number
 max_combo: number
 passed: boolean
 pp: number
 ruleset_id: number
 started_at: string
 total_score: number
 replay: boolean
 current_user_attributes: CurrentUserAttributes2
 user: User2

export interface MaximumStatistics2 {
 great: number
 ignore_hit: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface Statistics2 {
 perfect?: number
 good?: number
 ok?: number
 great?: number
 meh?: number
 miss?: number
 ignore_hit: number
 ignore_miss: number
 large_bonus: number
 small_bonus: number
 large_tick_hit: number
 large_tick_miss?: number
 slider_tail_hit: number

export interface CurrentUserAttributes2 {
 pin: any

export interface User2 {
 avatar_url: string
 country_code: string
 default_group: string
 id: number
 is_active: boolean
 is_bot: boolean
 is_deleted: boolean
 is_online: boolean
 is_supporter: boolean
 last_visit: string
 pm_friends_only: boolean
 profile_colour: any
 username: string
 country: Country2
 cover: Cover2

export interface Country2 {
 code: string
 name: string

export interface Cover2 {
 custom_url: any
 url: string
 id: string

export interface Params {
 limit: number
 sort: string

export interface Lower {
 scores: any[]
 params: Params2
 cursor: any
 cursor_string: any

export interface Params2 {
 limit: number
 sort: string

[v3.x.x] Documentation

[v2.x.x] Documentation

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