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Loris Sauter edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

Room Model

The room model is a representation of a cuboid room with a specific size. There might be exhibits (of type MODEL) in the room's space ( the vector (0,0,0) refers to the room's center point on the floor) or exhibits attached to the room's walls. A room must have four walls, for each direction (NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST) one.


  • text (String): The room's name or text associated with this room
  • floor (String): The room's floor texture. See texturing for further information.
  • ceiling (String): The room's ceiling texture. See texturing for further information.
  • exhibits (List of Exhibits of type MODEL): All exhibits, i.e. 3d models, in the room's space.
  • position (Vector3f): The room's position in room coordinates. E.g. the first room might be at position (0,0,0), the second, on the east of the first room at (1,0,0).
  • entrypoint (Vector3f): The room's entrypoint for teleportation. This position is relative to the room's origin, which is the center of the room on the floor.
  • size (Vector3f): The room's size in meters. X value is the width along WEST EAST axis, y value the height of the room and z value is the 'depth' alongh the NORTH SOUTH axis.
  • walls (List of Walls, one per direction): The list of walls of that room. Cuboid rooms as for now do have one wall for each direction.


  "text" : "Room #1",
  "floor" : "WoodenFloor",
  "ceiling": "LimeBricks",
  "exhibits" : [],
  "position" : {
    "x" : 0.0,
    "y" : 0.0,
    "z" : 0.0
  "entrypoint" : {
    "x" : 0.0,
    "y" : 0.0,
    "z" : 0.0
  "size" : {
    "x" : 10.0,
    "y" : 5.0,
    "z" : 10.0
  "walls" : []
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