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Loris Sauter edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

Wall Model

The wall object represents a wall in a exhibition room. Currently, rooms are of cuboid shape and thus each wall has an orientation. In Unity's left hand coordinate system, NORTH is the direction along the z axis, EAST along the x axis and SOUTH and WEST along negative z and negative x, respectively. This results in the player looking towards the north wall (if correctly positioned).


  • color (Vector3f): The color of the wall, if no texture is set. Even though a vector's properties are labelled as x, y, z, here they represent RGB values as floating point number in the interval [0,1].
  • texture (String): The name of the texture for this wall. See texturing for further information.
  • direction (NORTH| EAST | SOUTH | WEST): The direction of this wall. The NORTH wall is no the room's north side and the others correspondingly. Be aware that each room must have each wall as an object and duplicate entries are not allowed.
  • exhibits (Exhibit): A list of exhibits that are attached to this wall.


  "color": {
    "x": 0.7,
    "y": 0.7,
    "z": 0.7
  "texture": "BRICKS",
  "direction": "WEST",
  "exhibits": [
    "position": {
      "x": 5,
      "y": 1.5,
      "z": 0.0
    "size": {
      "x": 2.0,
      "y": 1.875,
      "z": 0.0
    "name": "Glorious Painting",
    "type": "IMAGE",
    "path": "path/to/some/image.png",
    "description": "A description"

An example of a wall. This particular wall is the west wall of a room and has a single exhibit attached to it: An image at 5m from the wall's left edge and 1.5m from the wall's bottom edge.

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