Starting in v3.5, GitInfo now adopts SponsorLink v2
Sponsor status (direct, indirect or implicit) is required for IDE usage.
IDE-only warnings will be issued otherwise. Learn more at
What's Changed
✨ Implemented enhancements
- Using simpler git command to get current commit by @kzu in #356
- Set default GitBranch from CI env variables by @kzu in #365
- Allow opting-out of GitBranch default in CI by @kzu in #366
- Simplify IsDirty with newer typed constants in ThisAssembly by @kzu in #368
- Add vswhere fallback to locate git provided by VS by @kzu in #372
📝 Documentation updates
🔨 Other
- Disable rogue command echo by @gitfool in #342
- Remove redundant depends on targets by @gitfool in #346
- Fix fast up-to-date-check by @gitfool in #343
- Clean code by @gitfool in #352
Full Changelog: v3.3.5...v3.5.0