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dgrtwo committed Aug 22, 2014
0 parents commit 4a2c7c2
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Showing 22 changed files with 876 additions and 0 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Package: GSEAMA
Type: Package
Title: Gene set enrichment analysis made awesome
Version: 0.99.0
Date: 2014-03-23
Author: David Robinson
Maintainer: David Robinson <>
Description: Gene set enrichment analysis methods based on a membership matrix
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: MIT + file LICENSE
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions R/AllClasses.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
######## AllClasses.R
######## all classes in GSEAMA

matrix = "Matrix",
colData = "data.table",
geneData = "data.table",
fit = "ANY",
rankingMetric = "character"
Empty file added R/AllGenerics.R
Empty file.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions R/CompareY.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#' Create a violin plot, boxplot or histogram looking at the metric of interest
#' over one or more columns
#' This compares the metric of interest (y) across the given genes, as well as
#' comparing it to the overall distribution. This shows a visual representation
#' of how a column (a gene set, a motif, a transcription factor, etc) is associated
#' with the metric.
#' @param m a GeneMatrix
#' @param columns The ID of one or more columns to plot
#' @param mode Type of plot to create: either "violin", "boxplot" or "histogram"
#' @param charlimit Maximum number of characters to include in column names
#' @export
CompareY = function(m, columns, mode="violin", charlimit=35) {
# graph one or more columns
# reverse the list (so that it reads top down instead of bottom up)
columns = rev(columns)
coldata = m@colData[match(columns, ID), ]

y = rep(m@geneData$y, length(columns))
dat = data.frame(y=y, Present=c(as.matrix(m@matrix[, columns]) > 0))

# fix the terms so they are not too long
terms = strtrim(coldata$Term, charlimit)
terms[nchar(coldata$Term) > charlimit] = paste0(
terms[nchar(coldata$Term) > charlimit], "...")
dat$Set = rep(paste0(terms, " (", coldata$Count, ")"), each=NROW(m))
dat$Set = factor(dat$Set, levels=dat$Set[!duplicated(dat$Set)])

dat = dat[dat$Present, ]
dat = rbind(dat, data.frame(y=m@geneData$y, Present=TRUE, Set="Overall"))
dat$y = as.numeric(as.character(dat$y))

mode = match.arg(mode, c("violin", "boxplot", "histogram"))
if (mode == "histogram") {
g = ggplot(dat, aes(y)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ Set, ncol=1, scale="free_y")
else {
g = (ggplot(dat, aes(x=Set, y=y)) + coord_flip() +
theme(axis.text.y=element_text(color="black", size=15)))
if (mode == "violin") {
g = g + geom_violin()
else {
g = g + geom_boxplot()

#' Create a graph comparing the top n columns (in terms of association with y)
#' This compares the metric of interest (y) across the
#' @param m GeneMatrix object
#' @param n Number of genes to compare
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to CompareY
#' @details Most methods ("t.test", "wilcoxon", "hypergeometric") use the
#' p-value to find the most significant columns. The "lasso" uses the order
#' in which the terms were added to the regression
#' @export
CompareTopColumns = function(m, n=9, ...) {
if (length(m@rankingMetric) == 0) {
stop("Cannot plot top genes without first running a test")
CompareY(m, m@colData[order(m@colData[[m@rankingMetric]]), ]$ID[1:n],
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions R/GOMembershipMatrix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#' Construct a new gene set membership matrix to use for performing enrichment
#' analysis
#' Construct a gene set membership matrix (one row per gene, one column per
#' gene set) from a GO annotation map.
#' @param annotations A Go3AnnDbBimap object, typically from a Bioconductor Annotation
#' package: for example, org.Hs.egGO from
#' @param ontology A vector of ontologies to include; should be a subset
#' of c("BP", "MF", "CC")
#' @param evidence A vector of GO evidence codes to include
#' @param min.size Minimum size of a gene set to be included
#' @param max.size Maximum size of a gene set to be included
#' @param ancestors Whether a gene included in a gene set should also be included
#' as being in all ancestors of that gene set
#' The GO annotation maps typically come from the Bioconductor AnnotationDB packages.
#' A couple of notable examples are:
#' Homo sapiens: org.Hs.egGO
#' S. cerevisiae: org.Sc.sgdGO
#' E coli K12: org.EcK12.egGO
#' You can restrict the sets to the BP (Biological Process), MF (Molecular Function),
#' or CC (Cellular Compartment) ontologies (by default all are included).
#' @import data.table Matrix AnnotationDbi
#' @importFrom GO.db GOTERM
#' @examples
#' # yeast membership matrix
#' library(org.Sc.sgd.db)
#' mm = GOMembershipMatrix(org.Sc.sgdGO, min.size=5, max.size=250)
#' # restrict to Biological Process ontology:
#' mm = GOMembershipMatrix(org.Sc.sgdGO, ontology="BP", min.size=5, max.size=250)
#' # human membership matrix
#' library(
#' mm = GOMembershipMatrix(org.Sc.sgdGO, min.size=5, max.size=250)
#' @export
GOMembershipMatrix = function(annotations, ontology=NULL, evidence=NULL,
min.size=0, max.size=1e6, ancestors=TRUE) {
# create membership matrix
frame.dt = data.table(toTable(annotations))
if (is.null(ontology)) {
ontology = c("BP", "MF", "CC")
frame.dt = frame.dt[Ontology %in% ontology, ]

if (!is.null(evidence)) {
frame.dt = frame.dt[Evidence %in% evidence, ]

id.field = colnames(frame.dt)[1]
frame.dt = frame.dt[!duplicated(frame.dt[, list(get(id.field), go_id)]), ]

genes = sort(unique(frame.dt[[id.field]]))
sets = sort(unique(frame.dt$go_id))

m = Matrix(0, nrow=length(genes), ncol=length(sets),
dimnames=list(genes, sets))
m[cbind(match(frame.dt[[id.field]], genes),
match(frame.dt$go_id, sets))] = 1

if (ancestors) {
# include relationships recursively: if a gene is included in a set,
# also include it in that set's ancestors =, lapply(ontology, function(o) {
toTable(get(paste0("GO", o, "OFFSPRING")))
offspring.indices = cbind(match([, 1], sets),
match([, 2], sets))
# remove those that don't match anything already in our set
offspring.indices = offspring.indices[complete.cases(offspring.indices), ]
offspring.m = Matrix(0, nrow=length(sets), ncol=length(sets),
dimnames=list(sets, sets))
offspring.m[offspring.indices] = 1
# combine with descendants
m = m + m %*% offspring.m
# turn back into binary matrix
m = (m > 0) + 0

cs = colSums(m)
m = m[, cs >= min.size & cs <= max.size]

# create table of set data, matching the membership matrix
goterms = GOTERM[colnames(m)]
setData = data.table(ID=colnames(m), Term=Term(goterms),
Definition=Definition(goterms), Count=colSums(m))

# create table of gene data
geneData = data.table(ID=rownames(m), Count=rowSums(m))

return(new("GeneMatrix", matrix=m, colData=setData,
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions R/GeneMatrix-methods.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# methods for working with a GeneMatrix

setMethod("dim", "GeneMatrix", function(x) dim(x@matrix))
setMethod("nrow", "GeneMatrix", function(x) nrow(x@matrix))
setMethod("ncol", "GeneMatrix", function(x) ncol(x@matrix))

setMethod("rownames", "GeneMatrix", function(x) rownames(x@matrix))
setMethod("colnames", "GeneMatrix", function(x) colnames(x@matrix))

setMethod("as.matrix", "GeneMatrix", function(x, ...) as.matrix(x@matrix))

setMethod("print", signature(x="GeneMatrix"), function(x) {
cat(paste("Gene Matrix with", nrow(x), "genes and", ncol(x), "columns"))

setMethod("[", c("GeneMatrix", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE)
if (!is.null(x@fit)) {
warning("Subsetting a model that has already been tested")

if (missing(i)) {
i = 1:nrow(x@matrix)
if (missing(j)) {
j = 1:ncol(x@matrix)

mat = x@matrix[i, j]
if (length(i) == 1) {
mat = Matrix(mat, nrow=1)
else if (length(j) == 1) {
mat = Matrix(mat, ncol=1)
x@matrix = mat

if (!is.character(i)) {
x@geneData = x@geneData[i, ]
} else {
x@geneData = x@geneData[match(i, ID), ]
if (!is.character(j)) {
x@colData = x@colData[j, ]
} else {
x@colData = x@colData[match(j, ID), ]

x@geneData$Count = rowSums(x@matrix != 0)
x@colData$Count = colSums(x@matrix != 0)
stopifnot(all(rownames(x@matrix) == x@geneData$ID))
stopifnot(all(colnames(x@matrix) == x@colData$ID))

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