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Merge pull request #174 from diagrams/image2
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byorgey committed Apr 9, 2014
2 parents 6dbd6cf + 39daab3 commit 2001f76
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Showing 3 changed files with 107 additions and 49 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions diagrams-lib.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ Library
optparse-applicative >= 0.7 && < 0.9,
safe >= 0.2 && < 0.4,
JuicyPixels >= 3.1.5 && < 3.2,
hashable >= 1.1 && < 1.3
if impl(ghc < 7.6)
Build-depends: ghc-prim
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/Diagrams/TwoD.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,14 @@ module Diagrams.TwoD
, fontSizeO, fontSizeL, fontSizeN, fontSizeG

-- * Images
, Image, image
, DImage(..), ImageData(..)
, Embedded, External
, image
, loadImageEmb
, loadImageExt
, uncheckedImageRef
, raster
, fromRaster

-- * Transformations
-- ** Rotation
Expand Down
146 changes: 98 additions & 48 deletions src/Diagrams/TwoD/Image.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
Expand All @@ -11,76 +12,125 @@
-- Maintainer :
-- Importing external images into diagrams.
-- Usage: To create a diagram from an embedded image with width 1 and height
-- set according to the aspect ratio: 'image img # scaleUToX 1`
-- where 'img' is a 'DImage Embedded'

module Diagrams.TwoD.Image
Image(..), imgFile, imgSize, imgTransf
DImage(..), ImageData(..)
, Embedded, External
, image
, loadImageEmb
, loadImageExt
, uncheckedImageRef
, raster
, fromRaster
) where

import Control.Lens (makeLenses)

import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types (dynamicMap)

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Colour (AlphaColour)

import Diagrams.Core

import Diagrams.Attributes (colorToSRGBA)
import Diagrams.Path
import Diagrams.TwoD.Path
import Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes
import Diagrams.TwoD.Size (SizeSpec2D (..))
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types

import Data.AffineSpace ((.-.))

import Data.Semigroup

-- | An external image primitive, representing an image the backend
-- should import from another file when rendering.
data Image = Image { _imgFile :: FilePath
, _imgSize :: SizeSpec2D
, _imgTransf :: T2
data Embedded deriving Typeable
data External deriving Typeable

-- | 'ImageData' is either a JuicyPixels @DynamicImage@ tagged as 'Embedded' or
-- a reference tagged as 'External'.
data ImageData :: * -> * where
ImageRaster :: DynamicImage -> ImageData Embedded
ImageRef :: FilePath -> ImageData External

-- | An image primitive, the two ints are width followed by height.
-- Will typically be created by @loadImageEmb@ or @loadImageExt@ which,
-- will handle setting the width and heigh to the actual width and height
-- of the image.
data DImage :: * -> * where
DImage :: ImageData t -> Int -> Int -> T2 -> DImage t
deriving Typeable

makeLenses ''Image

type instance V Image = R2
type instance V (DImage a) = R2

instance Transformable Image where
transform t1 (Image file sz t2) = Image file sz (t1 <> t2)
instance Transformable (DImage a) where
transform t1 (DImage iD w h t2) = DImage iD w h (t1 <> t2)

instance HasOrigin Image where
instance HasOrigin (DImage a) where
moveOriginTo p = translate (origin .-. p)

instance Renderable Image NullBackend where
-- | Make a 'DImage' into a 'Diagram'.
image :: (Typeable a, Renderable (DImage a) b) => DImage a -> Diagram b R2
image img = mkQD (Prim (img)) (getEnvelope r) (getTrace r) mempty
(Query $ \p -> Any (isInsideEvenOdd p r))
r :: Path R2
r = rect (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
DImage _ w h _ = img

-- | Use JuicyPixels to read an image in any format and wrap it in a 'DImage'.
-- The width and height of the image are set to their actual values.
loadImageEmb :: FilePath -> IO (Either String (DImage Embedded))
loadImageEmb path = do
dImg <- readImage path
return $ case dImg of
Left msg -> Left msg
Right img -> Right (DImage (ImageRaster img) w h mempty)
w = dynamicMap imageWidth img
h = dynamicMap imageHeight img

-- | Check that a file exists, and use JuicyPixels to figure out
-- the right size, but save a reference to the image instead
-- of the raster data
loadImageExt :: FilePath -> IO (Either String (DImage External))
loadImageExt path = do
dImg <- readImage path
return $ case dImg of
Left msg -> Left msg
Right img -> Right $ DImage (ImageRef path) w h mempty
w = dynamicMap imageWidth img
h = dynamicMap imageHeight img

-- | Make an "unchecked" image reference; have to specify a
-- width and height. Unless the aspect ratio of the external
-- image is the w :: h, then the image will be distorted.
uncheckedImageRef :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> DImage External
uncheckedImageRef path w h = DImage (ImageRef path) w h mempty

-- | Crate a diagram from raw raster data.
fromRaster :: Renderable (DImage Embedded) b
=> (Int -> Int -> AlphaColour Double) -> Int -> Int -> Diagram b R2
fromRaster f w h = image $ raster f w h

-- | Create an image "from scratch" by specifying the pixel data
raster :: (Int -> Int -> AlphaColour Double) -> Int -> Int -> DImage Embedded
raster f w h = DImage (ImageRaster (ImageRGBA8 img)) w h mempty
img = generateImage g w h
g x y = fromAlphaColour $ f x y

fromAlphaColour :: AlphaColour Double -> PixelRGBA8
fromAlphaColour c = PixelRGBA8 r g b a
(r, g, b, a) = (int r', int g', int b', int a')
(r', g', b', a') = colorToSRGBA c
int x = round (255 * x)

instance Renderable (DImage a) NullBackend where
render _ _ = mempty

-- See Note [Image size specification]

-- | Take an external image from the specified file and turn it into a
-- diagram with the specified width and height, centered at the
-- origin. Note that the image's aspect ratio will be preserved; if
-- the specified width and height have a different ratio than the
-- image's aspect ratio, there will be extra space in one dimension.
image :: (Renderable Image b) => FilePath -> Double -> Double -> Diagram b R2
image file w h = mkQD (Prim (Image file (Dims w h) mempty))
(getEnvelope r)
(getTrace r)
(Query $ \p -> Any (isInsideEvenOdd p r))
where r :: Path R2
r = rect w h

{- ~~~~ Note [Image size specification]
It's tempting to make 'image' take a SizeSpec2D instead of two
Doubles. For example, if I know I want the image to be x units wide
but I don't know the original aspect ratio of the image, I'd like to
be able to just say "make it x units wide". The problem is that
diagrams would then not know how tall the image is until rendering
time (at least, not without unsafePerformIO yuckiness). A more
general solution will have to wait until we can specify constraints
and solve them later.

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