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Merge pull request #1 from diagrams/lights-camera
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Lights & Camera
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byorgey committed Sep 20, 2013
2 parents 4f0962f + 8938ebf commit c094fe7
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Showing 3 changed files with 103 additions and 12 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion diagrams-povray.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ Source-repository head

Exposed-modules: Diagrams.Backend.POVRay
Other-Modules: Diagrams.Backend.POVRay.Syntax
Hs-source-dirs: src
Build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 4.7,
diagrams-core >= 0.7 && < 0.8,
diagrams-lib >= 0.7 && < 0.8,
pretty >= && < 1.2,
vector-space >= 0.8 && < 0.9
vector-space >= 0.8 && < 0.9,
colour >= 2.3 && < 2.4
Default-language: Haskell2010
79 changes: 76 additions & 3 deletions src/Diagrams/Backend/POVRay.hs
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Expand Up @@ -19,13 +19,19 @@
module Diagrams.Backend.POVRay

( POVRay(..) -- backend token
, Options(..) -- rendering options
) where

import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear as S

import Diagrams.Core.Transform

import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (fromDirection, tan)
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Types
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Shapes
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Vector
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Camera
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Light

import Diagrams.Backend.POVRay.Syntax

Expand All @@ -45,14 +51,63 @@ instance Backend POVRay R3 where
type Result POVRay R3 = String
data Options POVRay R3 = POVRayOptions

withStyle _ _ _ p = p
withStyle _ s _ (Pov is) = Pov $ map (setSurfColor s) is

doRender _ _ (Pov items) = PP.render . PP.vcat . map toSDL $ items

instance Renderable Ellipsoid POVRay where
render _ (Ellipsoid t) = Pov [SIObject . OFiniteSolid $ s]
where s = Sphere zeroV 1 [povrayTransf t]

-- For perspective projection, forLen tells POVRay the horizontal
-- field of view, and CVRight specifies the aspect ratio of the view.
-- For orthographic projection, rightLen & upLen are the actual window
-- dimensions, and forLen is ignored by POVRay.
instance Renderable (Camera PerspectiveLens) POVRay where
render _ c = Pov [ SICamera cType [
CIVector . CVLocation . vector $ loc
, CIVector . CVDirection . vector . unr3 $ forLen *^ forUnit
, CIVector . CVUp . vector . unr3 $ upUnit
, CIVector . CVRight . vector . unr3 $ rightLen *^ rightUnit
loc = unp3 . camLoc $ c
(PerspectiveLens h v) = camLens c
forUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camForward $ c
forLen = 0.5*rightLen/tan(h'/2) where
(Rad h') = convertAngle h
upUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camUp $ c
rightUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camRight $ c
rightLen = angleRatio h v
cType = Perspective

instance Renderable (Camera OrthoLens) POVRay where
render _ c = Pov [ SICamera Orthographic [
CIVector . CVLocation . vector $ loc
, CIVector . CVDirection . vector . unr3 $ forUnit
, CIVector . CVUp . vector . unr3 $ v *^ upUnit
, CIVector . CVRight . vector . unr3 $ h *^ rightUnit
loc = unp3 . camLoc $ c
(OrthoLens h v) = camLens c
forUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camForward $ c
upUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camUp $ c
rightUnit = fromDirection . asSpherical . camRight $ c

instance Renderable ParallelLight POVRay where
render _ (ParallelLight v c) = Pov [SIObject . OLight $ LightSource pos c' [
Parallel v' ]] where
pos = vector . unp3 $ origin .-^ (1000 *^ v)
v' = vector . unp3 $ origin
c' = convertColor c

instance Renderable PointLight POVRay where
render _ (PointLight p c) =
Pov [SIObject . OLight $ LightSource pos c' []] where
pos = vector $ unp3 p
c' = convertColor c

povrayTransf :: T3 -> ObjectModifier
povrayTransf t = OMTransf $
TMatrix [ v00, v01, v02
Expand All @@ -62,4 +117,22 @@ povrayTransf t = OMTransf $
where (unr3 -> (v00, v01, v02)) = apply t (r3 (1,0,0))
(unr3 -> (v10, v11, v12)) = apply t (r3 (0,1,0))
(unr3 -> (v20, v21, v22)) = apply t (r3 (0,0,1))
(unr3 -> (v30, v31, v32)) = transl t
(unr3 -> (v30, v31, v32)) = transl t

vector :: (Double, Double, Double) -> Vector
vector (x, y, z) = VecLit x y z

convertColor :: Color c => c -> VColor
convertColor c = RGB $ vector (r, g, b) where
(r, g, b, _) = colorToSRGBA c

-- Use the FillColor attribute for the diffuse pigment of the object. Diagrams
-- doesn't have a model for highlights, transparency, etc. yet.
setSurfColor :: Style v -> SceneItem -> SceneItem
setSurfColor _ i@(SICamera _ _) = i
setSurfColor _ i@(SIObject (OLight _)) = i
setSurfColor s i@(SIObject (OFiniteSolid (Sphere c r mods))) =
case getFillColor <$> getAttr s of
Nothing -> i
Just (SomeColor col) -> SIObject . OFiniteSolid $ Sphere c r (p:mods) where
p = OMPigment . PColor . convertColor $ col
32 changes: 24 additions & 8 deletions src/Diagrams/Backend/POVRay/Syntax.hs
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ instance SDL Double where
instance SDL () where
toSDL _ = empty

instance SDL s => SDL (Maybe s) where
toSDL Nothing = empty
toSDL (Just s) = toSDL s

-- Basics
Expand All @@ -62,28 +66,29 @@ instance SDL Vector where

instance AdditiveGroup Vector where
zeroV = VecLit 0 0 0
(VecLit x1 y1 z1) ^+^ (VecLit x2 y2 z2) = VecLit (x1+x2) (y1+y2) (z1+z1)
(VecLit x1 y1 z1) ^+^ (VecLit x2 y2 z2) = VecLit (x1+x2) (y1+y2) (z1+z2)
negateV (VecLit x y z) = VecLit (-x) (-y) (-z)

instance VectorSpace Vector where
type Scalar Vector = Double
d *^ (VecLit x y z) = VecLit (d*x) (d*y) (d*z)

data Color = RGB Vector
data VColor = RGB Vector

instance SDL Color where
instance SDL VColor where
toSDL (RGB v) = text "rgb" <+> toSDL v

-- Scene items

-- | Top-level items that can occur in a scene.
data SceneItem = SICamera [CameraItem]
data SceneItem = SICamera CameraType [CameraItem]
| SIObject Object

instance SDL SceneItem where
toSDL (SICamera cItems) = block "camera" (map toSDL cItems)
toSDL (SICamera cType cItems) = block "camera"
(toSDL cType:map toSDL cItems)
toSDL (SIObject obj) = toSDL obj

Expand All @@ -97,13 +102,19 @@ instance SDL CameraItem where
toSDL (CIVector cv) = toSDL cv
toSDL (CIModifier cm) = toSDL cm

data CameraType = Perspective | Orthographic -- TODO add more types?

data CameraVector = CVLocation Vector
| CVRight Vector
| CVUp Vector
| CVDirection Vector
| CVSky Vector

instance SDL CameraType where
toSDL Perspective = empty
toSDL Orthographic = text "orthographic"

instance SDL CameraVector where
toSDL (CVLocation v) = text "location" <+> toSDL v
toSDL (CVRight v) = text "right" <+> toSDL v
Expand All @@ -112,9 +123,11 @@ instance SDL CameraVector where
toSDL (CVSky v) = text "sky" <+> toSDL v

data CameraModifier = CMLookAt Vector
| CMAngle Double -- degrees

instance SDL CameraModifier where
toSDL (CMLookAt v) = text "look_at" <+> toSDL v
toSDL (CMAngle d) = text "angle" <+> toSDL d

-- Objects
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +155,7 @@ instance SDL TMatrix where
<> (hcat . punctuate comma . map toSDL $ ds)
<> text ">"

data Pigment = PColor Color
data Pigment = PColor VColor

instance SDL Pigment where
toSDL (PColor c) = block "pigment" [toSDL c]
Expand All @@ -161,10 +174,13 @@ instance SDL FiniteSolid where
-- Light sources

data LightSource = LightSource Vector Color [LightModifier]
data LightSource = LightSource Vector VColor [LightModifier]

instance SDL LightSource where
toSDL (LightSource loc c mods) = block "light_source" (lc : map toSDL mods)
where lc = toSDL loc <> comma <+> toSDL c

type LightModifier = ()
data LightModifier = Parallel Vector

instance SDL LightModifier where
toSDL (Parallel v) = text "parallel" $$ text "point_at" <+> toSDL v

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