Releases: djplaner/canvas-collections
Handle deleted Collections configuration pages
Bug fix - horizontal cards & edit off
Issue #296 identified an error with how the Horizontal Cards representation was selecting (and thus displaying) modules.
Also fixed a bug that arose when turning editing off whilst the Collections configuration element was open.
Fixing edit lock to suit Canvas change
Fix an issue created by a change to how Canvas treats pages - see more
Alt text- auto update userscript
Make sure "alt text" option for banner images (#289) is available for userscript
Public release tweaks
Final tweaks for a version that will be release, including:
Ready for broader adoption
A long list of tweaks and updates to prepare Canvas Collections ready for "primetime".
Changes include
- Added ability to visualise student requirements completion and visualisation for GriffithCards representation
- Added the new HorizontalCards representation
- Replace institution specific dates functionality with a more generic approach
- A raft of bug fixes and misc. tidying up in code.
- Significant re-working visuals and structure of the documentation site
Edit on - public release
Apart from a collection of tweaks and minor bug fixes, the major new addition is Edit on. i.e. to make configuration changes to Collections for a course you have to turn Edit on.
Svelte and ready for production?
A complete rewrite of Collections using Svelte and a new build process brings significant improvements in interface design and reactivity.
Engage and fixes for editor and joined courses
Bug fixes
- Fix problem with being unable to change a module's description when multiple description editors open
Assessment Table
- Updated internal module link to use #modules_ format
- Explicit line break between date label and date removed
Griffith Cards
- Ability to turn off and configure the Engage button
- Tweaks to the Claytons representation of cards, including new Claytons CSS file
Date handling
- Study Period calculation updated to handle joined production courses
Michael's bug fix release
Fix issue introduce by changes in local Canvas environment - making for better code (but unexpected)
Fixing problems introduced by dodgy practices
Fix module config errors - metadata
Assessment Table representation
- Enable just the date label to be shown in the date column (e.g. During exam period)