Release Notes for v9.4.0
We'd like to first thank everyone from the community who has submitted pull requests or reported issues. A grand total of 128 pull requests by 16 contributors and the amazing dependabot were processed for this release. Out of that 69 were in the Platform repository, plus 59 additional pull requests were processed in the Admin Experience repository. Below you can find a short list of the noteworthy changes in this release. For a full list, please check the GitHub milestone pages on each of the repositories.
Noteworthy Changes in v9.4.0
- Minimum Required .NET Framework 4.7.2. Thanks @ahoefling #2644 and @ohine #648
- GDPR: Data Consent Functionality. Thanks @donker #2683 Documentation
- Added Dependency Injection and Removed Circular Dependencies in all Module Pipelines. Thanks @ahoefling #2774
- Restructure Admin Experience Extensions into a single VS Project. Thanks @ohine #693
- Updated all C# projects in the platform to compile under C# 7.0. Thanks @ahoefling #2758
- Replace JRE based YUI Compressor with MSBuild version. Thanks @ohine #649
- Add React Common into Admin Experience repo and configure yarn workspaces. Thanks @bdukes, @ohine and @valadas #438
- Make Default Module Action Menu Configurable. Thanks @mikesmeltzer #2804
- Correction of File Access Issues. Thanks @mitchelsellers #2768
- Remove GetAzureCompactScript from SqlDataProvider. Thanks @ohine #2763
- Add setting to display search result for users in specific roles. Thanks @zyhfish #2532
- Force user logout after password changed in other place. Thanks @zyhfish #2509 and #939
- Updated "About" information for DNN Platform to be more relevant and current @david-poindexter dnnsoftware/Dnn.AdminExperience#1094
- Allows loading dependencies during startup even if one fails @valadas and @mitchelsellers #2953
- Fixes an issue where deleted pages would show in parent page selector. @berkarslan-xo #2925
List of Contributors
- Andrew Hoefling @ahoefling
- Mike Smeltzer @mikesmeltzer
- Oliver Hine @ohine
- Mitchel Sellers @mitchelsellers
- Ben Zhong @zyhfish
- Peter Donker @donker
- Daniel Valadas @valadas
- Brian Dukes @bdukes
- David Poindexter @david-poindexter
- Mikhail Bigun @mikebigun
- Alex Netrebskiy @alexnaurea
- Daniel Aguilera @daguiler
- @cesco69
- Berk Arslan @berkarslan-xo
- @SergeyDryomin
Additional Resources.
Is this your first time installing or upgrading DNN? If so, you can find some help with the installation and upgrade wiki articles. If this is your 100th time upgrading DNN, maybe review the guides and submit a few changes!
PetaPOCO changes
If you have custom modules that use DAL2 with primary keys that are not auto-incremented, the module code will need to be validated to explicitly indicate that since the default behaviour for primary keys in the latest PetaPOCO has changed.