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Issuing Subsystem Certificate with NSS

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 2 revisions


This page describes the process to sign the subsystem CSR and issue the certificate using NSS.

This page assumes an NSS database has been created as follows:

$ echo Secret.123 > password.txt
$ openssl rand -out noise.bin 2048
$ mkdir nssdb
$ certutil -N -d nssdb -f password.txt

It also assumes a CA signing certificate is present in the NSS database.

Issuing Subsystem Certificate

Sign the CSR with the CA signing certificate with the following commands:

$ CA_SKID=...
$ OCSP=...
$ echo -e "y\n\ny\ny\n${CA_SKID}\n\n\n\n2\n7\n${OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
   certutil -C \
   -d nssdb \
   -f password.txt \
   -m $RANDOM \
   -a \
   -i subsystem.csr \
   -o subsystem.crt \
   -c "ca_signing" \
   -3 \
   --extAIA \
   --keyUsage critical,dataEncipherment,keyEncipherment,digitalSignature,nonRepudiation \
   --extKeyUsage clientAuth,serverAuth

It will generate the subsystem certificate in subsystem.crt.

See Also

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