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9.1 VPN with SSH

Dave edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Thomsen Tech Journal

Stated Goal of the Assignment

💡SSH allows you to create a remote port forwarding tunnel such that connections to a local port on say traveler will traverse an ssh tunnel from traveler to jump and then be forwarded to a system of your choice, say mgmt02.

Useful Commands

List out any commands that were used or found to be helpful during the process.

  • ssh and firewall commands

  • ssh keygen

Steps from the Process

Document any notes that were taken while working on the assignment.

Firewall Rules


action accept
description RDP
destination {
port 3389
protocol tcp


action accept
destination {
port 3389
protocol tcp

Enable RDP on Windows, then run the following command to open the tunnel.

ssh -N -L 13389: david-jump@ -i .\ssh-keys -v

Open RDP and enter and log in.

Troubles Encountered

**List out any issues that were encountered while working on the assignment. **

Correcting the final SSH command. This was solved with mainly trial and error as well as referring to the man pages for tags.


If any issues were solved, list out the resolutions for each problem.


Further Questions

List out any questions that arose while working on the assignment.