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Lab 2.2 Syslog Organization on log01

dthomsen116 edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 5 revisions

Thomsen Tech Journal

Stated Goal of the Assignment

We will spend considerable time both implementing security controls and the means to monitor these controls. An understanding of logging and logging architecture is critical for continuous monitoring. We will start with traditional syslog servers and later we will leverage host based agents to report events of interest.

Useful Commands

List out any commands that were used or found to be helpful during the process.


  • begins a remote session


  • allows the download of files from a link rather than a yum/apt install

Steps from the Process

Document any notes that were taken while working on the assignment.

  1. Setting up mgmt01

mgmt01 should be placed on your LAN w/ appropriate ip

named admin user/new password

Install Chrome Remote Desktop

Make NAT source rules for the LAN as well as additional DNS forwarding enteries


  1. Log organization

edit the rsyslog.conf and comment out the UDP and TCP rules so a custom rules file can be added.

(in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ dir) wget

restart rsyslog

  1. Web01 Log Auth Events

modify the sec350-client.conf file to include the line authpriv.* @

Fail an ssh attempt into web01 then check the logs on log01 in order to see if the new rules had been applied.

  1. fw01 Log Auth Events

set system syslog host facility authpriv level info -> commit and save

exit vyos and spoof invalid logins

Check logs to see the failed login attempts

Additional Notes

Include any additional notes or observations made while working on the assignment.

  • Augment your documentation to include how to change a vyos password


  • Include the process to making an RSA KEY pair
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -> makes the key pair
  • ssh-copy-id user@ip
  • Make sure permissions are correct and if there are issues restart the box

Troubles Encountered

**List out any issues that were encountered while working on the assignment. **



If any issues were solved, list out the resolutions for each problem.


Further Questions

List out any questions that arose while working on the assignment.