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TJ5: Git and SSH
This lab was working with Git and Cloning, Pushing, and Pulling, a Git Repo. It then also uses the Git to pass a key to allow passwordless SSHing.
- Install Git on Docker01
- Use Git to clone the Repo
- Create a PAT in Github to authenticate for Git
- Now actually Clone the Repo
- On MGMT01, Download GitBash
- This is basically a linux shell used on Windows to run Git commands
- Add Files on Windows, Pull them on Ubuntu
- Generate a key pair on Web01
- Copy this public key to the Repo
- Pull the Repo
- Create a new user and give it the key and permissions to SSH without a password
- Script Syntax
#author dthomsen116
#creates a new user using $1 parameter
sudo adduser $1
sudo mkdir /home/$1/.ssh
#adds a public key from a local repo or curled from the remote repo
sudo cp /home/david/Git_SSH/linux/public-keys/id_rsa.pub /home/$1/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod 700 /home/$1/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 /home/$1/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chown -R $1:$1 /home/$1/.ssh
#removes roots ability to ssh in on Centos
#sudo sed -i "s/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#sudo systemctl restart ssh sshd
I had many issues with many parts of this lab.
First, I was working to clone my Git and didn't realize I needed my PAT. This was an issue also because I wasn't able to verify without an SSH because there is no Copy Paste.
Secondly, My docker machine bricked and now just shows a blank screen and is stuck in a boot loop. This had not caused too much issue, just had to ssh in order to use the machine.
The main issue I was unable to SSH without a password. The solution I had found was that the private key on Web01 was in the wrong directory and after a simple copy paste, my two day long error was solved.