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e107 is an Open Source Content Management System Content Management System written in PHP and using the popular Open Source MySQL database system for content storage. It's completely free, totally customizable, and actively developed.
The e107 website system provides all the basic features you need to build a basic website or a fully interactive web portal. The website has a user management system, which controls access to the main areas of your e107 web system, which are fully controllable. A typical e107 installation will usually include:-
- Public Areas
- Members Area
- Admin Area
You can make you some, if not most or even your whole website totally private, useful for a families, clubs, businesses, intranets, business-to-business and other collaborative projects.
The e107 web site system is Fully Extensible and has a flexible API system which enables the core features of the system to be extended, without changing the core system code. There are several areas of extensibility:-
- [/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png] Plugins
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/themes_16.png Themes
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/menus_16.png Menus
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/custom_16.png e107 API Custom Page
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png Shortcodes
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png Templates
These are typically used for public areas of your website.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/links_16.png Site Links control the main navigation menu in your web site
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://mikewhittall.co.uk/e107_plugins/links_page/images/linkspage_16.png Links Page - Your Links Catalogue to other websites, like a public bookmarking system
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://mikewhittall.co.uk/e107_plugins/linkwords/images/linkwords_16.png LinkWords - Plugin
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/gsitemap/images/icon_16.png Google Sitemap
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/custom_16.png Content (Custom) Pages
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/custom_16.png Content (Custom) Page API
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://plugins.e107.org/e107_plugins/content/images/content_16.png Content Management Plugin
- Menu Areas are used for the little box areas around the edge of most themes.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/chatbox_menu/images/chatbox_16.png Chatbox
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Clock
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Feature Box
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/calendar_menu/images/calendar_16.png Event_Calendar
http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/news_16.png e107 News System
- A core component for publishing latest information, such as, press releases and so forth.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/rss_menu/images/rss_16.png RSS (outgoing Newsfeeds)
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/newsfeeds_16.png Newsfeed (incoming RSS)
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Trackback - News History Tracking Tool
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/calendar_menu/images/calendar_16.png Event Calendar
- http://e107.org/e107_images/e107_icon_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/forums_16.png e107 Forum System
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/newforumposts_main/images/new_forum_16.png New Forum Posts
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/polls_16.png Polls
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/pm/images/pm.png Private Message System
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/list_new/icon/list_16.png New Items Listing
The e107 Admin Area provides all the features you need to manage 99% of your website system without needing to access the site from developer tools such as FTP and phpMyAdmin.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_settings_16.png Main Settings Menu The main controls for the e107 website system.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cache_16.png Cache System - Speed up your site
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/emoticons_16.png Emoticons - Install New "Smiley Icons"
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/frontpage_16.png Front Page - Choose any page as your home page
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/images_16.png Images - Control Image Settings
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/language_16.png Languages - Install New Locales
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/meta_16.png Meta Tags - Manage Meta Data
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/prefs_16.png Preferences - Core Settings for the e107 website
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/search_16.png Search Configuration - Control what search can view
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/links_16.png Site Links - Arrange you main Navigation Links
http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_users_16.png User Management
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/adminpass_16.png Admin Password - Reset Main Admin password
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/admins_16.png Administrators - Controls admin permissions
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/banlist_16.png Banning - Control Spammers & Bad behaviour via IP and User based Blocking system
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/extended_16.png Extended Fields - For additional User Profile Data
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/mail_16.png Mail - Send Mails out to your registered members
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/userclass_16.png User Classes - Define User Groups for use in granting permissions
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/users_16.png Users - Main User Manager
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Alternate authentication - Interface with external systems for Single Sign On - SSO
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Newsletter - An enhanced Newsletter Manager for mailing registered users
http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_content_16.png Creating Web Content - Main Admin Content Manager
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/banners_16.png Banners - An Advanced Advertising Banner System
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/custom_16.png Custom Menus/Pages - Content Page and Menu Manager
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/menus_16.png e107 Menu Manager - Arranges Placement of Menu Content Boxes
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/downloads_16.png e107 Download Manager - Set up Downloads for your website vistors - can be public or members only
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/news_16.png e107 News Manager - Post, Edit, Archive and removes news posts
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/uploads_16.png Public Uploads - Manage Uploaded content
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/welcome_16.png Welcome Message - Manages Home Page messages for each user class.
http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_tools_16.png Maintenance, Security and Debugging tools for e107.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/maintain_16.png Maintenance Flag
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/fileinspector_16.png File Inspector
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/database_16.png Database
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/filemanager_16.png File Manager
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/notify_16.png Notify
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/phpinfo_16.png PHP Info
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/themes_16.png Theme Manager
Site Themes delivered with e107 v 0.7 installation, freely customisable for your own needs. You can upload and activate themes using the Theme Manager.
NOTE: remember to copy the theme you choose to another folder with a new name to avoid being overwritten at upgrade!
There are 100's of third party themes written for e107 and are published at theme.e107.org.
Lamb | Crahan | Khatru |
Human Condition | Interfectus | Newsroom |
Sebes | Vekna Blue | Reline |
Kubrick | Leaf | Jayya - Admin |
Plugins are one of the most popular ways of extending e107. You can upload, install and configure easily using the Plugin Manager. THere are a number of Core Plugins already installed, which are listed above in the other categories. There are 100's of Third Party Plugins available at plugins.e107.org, many are licensed for free use and others request a fee for use - this is entirely up to the plugin developer.
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/integrity_check/images/integrity_16.png Integrity check
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png Statistics Logging
- http://e107.org/e107_images/admin_images/cat_plugins_16.png http://e107.org/e107_plugins/pdf/images/pdf_16.png PDF - enable this to allow content to be printed to pdf direct from the web page.
I've never kept a journal or list of dates corresponding to e107's evolution, so all of the following is recounted from memory and is probably full of chronological errors
In late 1998, I coded and opened a website called Litestep2000 related to the Windows shell replacement Litestep. The site got fairly popular and a few months later became ls2k.org, when it moved to a php enabled server and I started my first tentative steps into scripting. After about 18 months of coding and maintaining this site, I was offered the chance by the then main admin c0mrade to take over the main Litestep theme site, litestep.net. I coded the site and I'm proud to say it continued to grow in popularity while I, DeViLbOi and jugg were at the helm.
Due to running such a busy site, I was always getting requests for site code, ot portions of the code we used on litestep.net from other members of the Litestep community, but due to time restraints and real life, I was very rarely able to help, so I set about taking some of the code from litestep.net and ls2k.org and turning it into a more modular and distributable codebase.
Over the space of a couple of months, websites (mainly Litestep and shell related) started popping up, and feature requests started coming in, so I decided to get a domain and give the code a name. I settled on e107 as it was turning out to be my seventh main project, and I purchased e107.org and set up a small e107 powered website there.
The site opened in July 2002, and e107 was a couple of months old at that stage, and at version 2.1. I continued to code and release revisions until 5.4 when I decided on a version numbering change, and the next version released was 0.6, which saw a major revamp of the code. At this time new versions and revisions were coming out on almost a daily basis (imagine that )
I was still maintaining the e107 codebase alone, but accepting contributions from users, notably McFly, Lolo_Irie, Cameron and a few others, but with version 0.612 I decided to ask a few of these contributors to join a newly formed development team, consisting of McFly, chavo, Cameron and Lolo_Irie, and myself. I was proud that these people accepting places as not only are they good coders, they were all good people as well (and still are )
A couple of versions later, I decided to take a step back from the development side of e107, as maintaining what had in a short period become a quite popular system had taken it's toll on my real life, and I was not only tired but having to deal with the regular attacks on e107.org. The development team have continued to release new versions (at the time of writing e107 stands at v0.617) and make improvements and refine the e107 core.
I started tentative development of a new system in March 2004, codenamed nostromo. This isn't intended to replace e107 and will probably never see the light of day due to real life issues (again pfft). This code, or at least the site it produces, can be seen at my personal site jalist.com.
So there we have it, e107, due mainly to the work of the dev team, plugin coders and the people who selflessly and mostly thanklessly man the forums with support for less experienced users, has come a very long way in it's first two years of life, and hopefully will continue to grow for the next two years and beyond - my sincerest thanks to everyone that has contributed in even the smallest way.
jalist, August 2004
The latest release of e107 is and was released see the current release notes. We continue to maintain e107 0.7 and from time to time issue new security releases. Meanwhile the e107 Development Team are busy building the next major release of e107 - 0.8.
e107 is licenced under the GNU General Public license version 2, General Public license is sometimes shortend to GPL.
e107 v2.x