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Cameron edited this page Jan 28, 2017 · 1 revision

title: User Classes permalink: /User_Classes/

User Classes

You can select classes for editing, and also delete existing classes, from this page. User class handling has been significantly improved in 2.0

User Class Functions


The main user class page contains a list of configurable classes - i.e. those you set up for your own purposes. The main list contains basic details by default (bold below), and can be easily changed so that it lists the fields you are interested in.

  • Class Icon
  • ID
  • Class Name
  • Class Description
  • Class Manager
  • Class Parent
  • Class Visibility
  • Class Type

In the options column, you can edit and delete the existing links.

Define/Edit Classes

You can add new user classes via the Define/Edit Classes link, which opens the User Class Settings screen. Enter your new user class details here.

You can create classes, or edit existing classes from this page. This is useful for restricting users to certain parts of your site. For example, you could create a class called TEST, then create a forum which only allowed users in the TEST class to access it.

The class name is displayed in drop-down lists and the like; in some places the more detailed description is also displayed.

The class icon may be displayed in various places on the site, if one is set.

To allow users to determine whether they can be a member of a class, allow them to manage it. If you set 'no-one' here, only the admins can manage membership of the class

The 'visibility' field allows you to hide the class from most members - applies in some of the drop-down lists and checkboxes.

The 'class parent' allows you to set a hierarchy of classes. If the 'top' of the hierarchy is the 'Everybody/Public' or 'Member' classes, the classes lower down the hierarchy also have the rights of their parent class, and that classes' parent, and so on. If the 'top' of the hierarchy is the 'No One/Nobody' class, then rights are accumulated in the opposite direction - a class accumlates all the rights of a class below them in the tree. The resulting tree is shown in the lower part of the page; you can expand and contract branches by clicking on the '+' and '-' boxes.

Class Name

This is the short name displayed in selectors screens.

Class Description

Information about applicability of class.

Class Icon

Optional icon associated with class - directory, select from the list.

Class Type

  • Standard
  • Group

A group brings together a number of individual classes

Class Manager

Users in this class can add/remove themselves from the class being edited

Classes in group


Checked classes are members of the group

Class Visibility

Determines which users can see this class in drop-down lists

Class Parent

If the top of the tree is 'No One', permissions increase towards the top of the tree

If the top of the tree is 'Everyone', permissions increase as you go down the tree

Initial User Class

Set the classes to which a new member of the site is assigned initially. If you have verification enabled, this assignment may take place either when the user signs up, or when the user is verified.

And remember that if you are using hierarchical user classes, a user is automatically a member of all classes 'above' each selected class in the tree

Set initial classes


Existing classes: None

These classes are set for any newly signed up user - either immediately, or once their site membership has been verified

  • PRIVATEMENU (Grants access to private menu items)
  • PRIVATEFORUM1 (Example private forum class)

Point at which classes set: (ignored if no verification)

  • Initial Signup
  • Verification by Email or Admin

Choose from existing classes and select a set point and update the setting.


The Setup options allow you to create and remove the default class hierarchy. You can see the effect by looking at the user tree. This won't destroy your other class information, and you can modify or remove the hierarchy later.

You should only need to rebuild the class hierarchy if database corruption occurs

User class setup

Setup Options

Caution! Only use these options if you understand what they do.

NB More to follow once I understand them.

Set a default user hierarchy

(the hierarchy can be modified later)

Clear the user hierarchy

(this sets a 'flat' user class structure)

User Class Maintenance

Rebuild class hierarchy

(This may be required if database corruption occurs)

Category:User Guide Category:Admin Category:Users Category:User Class Category:Security Category:WhatsNew

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