PeakMaster NG is a graphical user interface for LEMNG model for simulations of capillary zone electrophoresis experiments. PeakMaster NG provides convenient means to enter input data for the LEMNG model and display the results of LEMNG's calculations. PeakMaster NG binaries and a user guide can be downloaded from the ECHMET research group website.
In case the primary ECHMET group site is down you may download PeakMaster binaries from a backup site
The following tools and libraries are required to build PeakMaster NG
- C++14-aware compiler
- Qt 5 toolkit (Qt 5.6 or higher is required)
- Qwt toolkit
- SQLite 3
- ECHMETCoreLibs
- ECHMETUpdateCheck
Refer to official documentation of the respective projects for details how to set them up.
The README assumes that a system-wide installation of the Qt toolkit is available. If you intend to use a custom Qt installation, adjust the building steps accordingly.
- Set up paths to dependencies accordingly to your setup in
file. See the content of the file for details. cd
to the directory with PeakMaster NG sources.- Create a new directory named
into the directory - Run
qmake ../ CONFIG+=release
- Run
Prior to launching the binary, make sure that all required binary libraries are available to the OS'es dynamic linker.
Compatibility with *NIX systems other than Linux has not been tested.
Windows building procedure relies on the Qt Creator IDE to set up and build the project.
- Launch Qt Creator and load the
project file - Set up paths to dependencies accordingly to your setup in
file. See the content of the file for details. - Configure build path and select
build in the Qt Creator interface. Consult the Qt Creator documentation for details. - Click
Prior to launching the binary, make sure that all required binary libraries are available to the OS'es dynamic linker.
The PeakMaster NG project is distributed under the terms of The GNU General Public License v3 (GNU GPLv3). See the enclosed LICENSE
file for details.
As permitted by section 7. Additional Terms of The GNU GPLv3 license, the authors require that any derivative work based on PeakMaster NG clearly refers to the origin of the software and its authors. Such reference must include the address of this source code repository ( and names of all authors and their affiliation stated in section Authors of this README file.
Milan Štědrý (1)
Vlastimil Hruška (1)
Michal Jaroš (1)
Iva Zusková (1)
Bob Gaš (1)
Pavel Dubský (1)
Gabriel Gerlero (2,3)
Group of Electromigration and Chromatographic Methods (
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic
Departamento de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información, FRSF-UTN.
Santa Fe, Argentina
Centro de Investigación de Métodos Computacionales (CIMEC, UNL-CONICET).
Santa Fe, Argentina.