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@cee-chen cee-chen released this 29 Apr 17:33
· 438 commits to main since this release
  • Updated getDefaultEuiMarkdownPlugins() to allow excluding the following plugins in addition to tooltip: (#7676)
    • checkbox
    • linkValidator
    • lineBreaks
    • emoji
  • Updated EuiSelectable's isPreFiltered prop to allow passing a configuration object, which allows disabling search highlighting in addition to search filtering (#7683)
  • Updated EuiFlexGroup and EuiFlexItem prop types to support passing any valid React component type to the component prop and ensure proper type checking of the extra props forwarded to the component. (#7688)
  • Updated EuiSearchBar to allow the @ special character in query string searches (#7702)
  • Added a new, optional optionMatcher prop to EuiSelectable and EuiComboBox allowing passing a custom option matcher function to these components and controlling option filtering for given search string (#7709)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an EuiPageTemplate bug where prop updates would not cascade down to child sections (#7648)
    • To cascade props down to the sidebar, EuiPageTemplate now explicitly requires using the EuiPageTemplate.Sidebar rather than EuiPageSidebar
  • Fixed EuiFieldNumber's typing to accept an icon configuration shape (#7666)
  • Fixed EuiFieldText and EuiFieldNumber to render the correct paddings for icon shapes set to side: 'right' (#7666)
  • Fixed EuiFieldText and EuiFieldNumber to fully ignore icon/prepend/append when controlOnly is set to true (#7666)
  • Fixed EuiColorPicker's input not setting the correct right padding for the number of icons displayed (#7666)
  • Visual fixes for EuiRanges with showInput: (#7678)
    • Longer append/prepend labels no longer cause a background bug
    • Inputs can no longer overwhelm the actual range in width
  • Fixed a visual text alignment regression in EuiTableRowCells with the row header scope (#7681)
  • Fixed toolTipProps type on EuiSuperUpdateButton to use Partial<EuiToolTipProps> (#7692)
  • Fixes missing prop type for popperProps on EuiDatePicker (#7694)
  • Fixed a focus bug with EuiDataGrids with leadingControlColumns when moving columns to the left/right (#7701) (#7698)
  • Fixed EuiSuperDatePicker to validate date string with respect of locale on EuiAbsoluteTab. (#7705)
  • Fixed a visual bug with EuiSuperDatePicker's absolute tab on small mobile screens (#7708)
  • Fixed i18n of empty and loading state messages for the FieldValueSelectionFilter component (#7718)

Dependency updates

  • Updated @hello-pangea/dnd to v16.6.0 (#7599)
  • Updated remark-rehype to v8.1.0 (#7601)


  • Improved EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable's selection checkboxes to have unique aria-labels per row (#7672)
  • Added aria-valuetext attributes to EuiRanges with tick labels for improved screen reader UX (#7675)
  • Updated EuiAccordion to keep focus on accordion trigger instead of moving to content on click/keypress (#7696)
  • Added aria-disabled attribute to EuiHorizontalSteps when status is "disabled" (#7699)