Beautymail makes it super easy to send beautiful responsive HTML emails. It's made for things like:
- Welcome emails
- Password reminders
- Invoices
- Data exports
If you're on Laravel 4, use the 1.x
There are tons of great looking HTML email templates out there. Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp has released hundreds for free. It is pretty simple to adapt a template to Beautymail. If you do, please send a PR.
Widgets by Campaign Monitor:
Minty by Stamplia:
Add the package to your composer.json
by running:
composer require snowfire/beautymail
When it's installed, add it to the providers list in config/app.php
Publish assets to your public folder
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Snowfire\Beautymail\BeautymailServiceProvider"
Configure your settings such as logo url and social links in config/beautymail.php
Add this to your routes.php
Route::get('/test', function()
$beautymail = app()->make(Snowfire\Beautymail\Beautymail::class);
$beautymail->send('emails.welcome', [], function($message)
->to('', 'John Smith')
Now create resources/views/emails/welcome.blade.php
<h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World</strong></h4>
<p>This is a test</p>
<h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World again</strong></h4>
<p>This is another test</p>
That's it!
To change colours for the different segments, pass a colour variable:
@include('beautymail::templates.widgets.articleStart', ['color' => '#0000FF'])
<td class="title">
Welcome Steve
<td width="100%" height="10"></td>
<td class="paragraph">
This is a paragraph text
<td width="100%" height="25"></td>
<td class="title">
This is a heading
<td width="100%" height="10"></td>
<td class="paragraph">
More paragraph text.
<td width="100%" height="25"></td>
@include('beautymail::templates.minty.button', ['text' => 'Sign in', 'link' => '#'])
<td width="100%" height="25"></td>
@include('beautymail::templates.ark.heading', [
'heading' => 'Hello World!',
'level' => 'h1'
<h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World</strong></h4>
<p>This is a test</p>
@include('beautymail::templates.ark.heading', [
'heading' => 'Another headline',
'level' => 'h2'
<h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World again</strong></h4>
<p>This is another test</p>
@include ('beautymail::templates.sunny.heading' , [
'heading' => 'Hello!',
'level' => 'h1',
<p>Today will be a great day!</p>
@include('beautymail::templates.sunny.button', [
'title' => 'Click me',
'link' => ''
In order to get this working on Lumen follow the installation instructions except for the artisan vendor:publish
command, since Lumen does not provide this command. Instead you have to copy the assets folder from vendor/snowfire/beautymail/public/
to the public folder in your Lumen project manually.
Make sure to also put the beautymail.php
config file in the config
folder (default available in src/config/settings.php
After this you will need to install and configure illuminate/mailer
composer require illuminate/mail
and add this to your bootstrap/app.php
See this blog post for more details and how to use different mail libraries in lumen:
In order to get Beautymail working on Lumen you need to add the following to your bootstrap/app.php
in order to resolve missing config files, parameters and classes (before you register BeautymailServiceProvider
// Provide required path variables
$app->instance('path.config', env("STORAGE_DIR", app()->basePath()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config');
$app->instance('path.public', env("STORAGE_DIR", app()->basePath()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public');
// Enable config for beautymail
// Provide class alliases to resolve Request and Config
class_alias(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::class, "\Request");
class_alias(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config::class, "\Config");
Congratulations, you can know start using bBautmail in Lumen. See: Send your first Beauty mail on what to do next.