Tags: ellaisys/Beautymail
Don't call disableInvisibleNodeRemoval since it has been dropped from… … emogrifier 3 See MyIntervals/emogrifier#482
Don't call disableInvisibleNodeRemoval since it has been dropped from… … emogrifier 3 See MyIntervals/emogrifier#482
Make $css available for used views (snowfire#50) * Includes the CSS as setting in Beautymail This makes the $css variable useable in all templates * $css variable for ark template Added the $css variable * Added $css variable for minty template * Update sunny.blade.php * Update widgets.blade.php * $css variable in sunny template * Update minty.blade.php * $css variable for Ark Template * $css variable for Minty Template * $css variable for Sunny Template * $css variable for Widgets Template * Fixed a false ; character * Added css variable to register() function This adds the CSS from the configuration file to Beautymail * Share $css from configuration with all views * Make sure the $css setting isn't null or empty to prevent errors, first check if the css settings is uncommented (not null) and if it's an array with at least one option * Update BeautymailServiceProvider.php
Merge pull request snowfire#33 from denis-chmel/patch-1 Do not remove "display: none" tags from email