Software for analyzing the data acquired during the Embodied Mind 2013 at Gargonza
(1) build the datasets dsexp_buildds
(2) load the dataset
load Subject6_UsbDS load Subject6_VicNautilusDS
stime vtime usbgsr gsr seeg
0.034044 3.1265 [1x16 double] 0 [1x16 double]
ttime frame vtime event
6.0776 1 0.061503 0
(3) description
dsu stime - simulink time in Usb device vtime - vicon time RECEIVED usbgsr - usbgsr measure 16 values gsr - computed gsr seeg - measurd EEG from eeg
vic ttime - UNKNOWN frame - vicon frame vtime - vicon time event - stored event
(4) synchronization EEG timings: setime tetime
USB+VICON link the vtime in dsu with the frame in vic
(a) extract vicon frame
dsu.frame = e.frame + floor((dsu.setime-e.setime)/vdt);
(b) match event
dsu.event = interp1fwd(vic.frame,vic.event,dsu.frame);
(c) transfer setime to vicon
Subject 6: dsu.frame is ok but not dsu.event