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Update from upstream (#1)
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* 07be5 篥: Moved a few numbers

* 07be6 篦: Moved a few numbers

* 07bf3 篳: Moved a few numbers

* 07bf6 篶: Moved number 6

* 07bf7 篷: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c0d 簍: Moved a few numbers

* 07c11 簑: Moved a few numbers

* 07c14 簔: Moved a few numbers

* 07c1f 簟: Moved a few numbers

* 07c23 簣: Moved a few numbers

* 07c27 簧: Moved a few numbers

* 07c2b 簫: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c37 簷: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c38 簸: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c3e 簾: Removed Jinmei variant, identical to plain version. Moved JinmeiKaisho to just Kaisho.

* 07c3e 簾: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c3f 簿: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c4c 籌: Moved a few numbers

* 07c56 籖: Moved a few numbers

* 07c60 籠: Moved numbers a bit

* 07c6c 籬: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 15, 16. Moved numbers a bit.

* 07ca1 粡: Draw stroke 8 rightwards and down. Also moved a number a bit

* 07ca4 粤: Moved numbers a bit

* 07cae 粮: Swappend numbers 3, 4

* 07cbd 粽: Moved numbers a bit

* 07cc0 糀: Swapped numbers 3, 4

* 07cef 糯: Moved numbers a bit

* 07d4c 経: Moved a few numbers

* 07d9a 続: Moved numbers a bit

* 07dbd 綽: Swappend numbers 13, 14. Moved a few numbres a bit

* 07dd5-KaishoVt6 緕: Fixes to make the stroke order match the file name

* 07dd8 緘: Moved number 10 a little. There is no good spot for it.

* 07e6d 繭: Moved numbers a bit

* 07e8c 續: Moved a few numbers a bit

* 07e8e 纎: Swapped numbers 7, 8

* 07fa4 群: Moved a few numbers

* 07fb8 羸: Moved a few numbers a bit

* 08001-Kaisho 老: Moved number 5

* 08002 耂: Moved numbers a bit

* 08003-Kaisho 考: Moved number 5 a bit

* 08028 耨: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 12, 13 (Kaisho only). Moved a few numbers.

* 08061-Kaisho 聡: Moved number 7 a bit

* 08079 聹: Moved numbers a bit

* 08102 脂: Moved numbers a bit

* 08131 脱: Moved number 11 a bit

* 08150 腐: Moved a few numbers

* 081e0 臠: Moved strokes a bit

* 08207 與: Moved number 12 a bit

* 08229 舩: Moved numbers a bit

* 08262 艢: Moved numbers a bit

* 08264 艤: Moved numbers a bit

* 0826a 艪: Moved numbers a bit

* 0826b 艫: Moved numbers a bit

* 08271 艱: Changed around numbers 12–15

* 08279 艹: Moved numbers a bit

* 082b9 芹: Moved numbers a bit

* 08506 蔆: Moved numbers a bit

* 08511 蔑: Moved a few numbers

* 08557 蕗: Moved nmubers a bit

* 08588 薈: Moved a few numbers

* 08590 薐: Moved a few numbers

* 085fa 藺: Moved number 15 a bit

* 085fe 藾: Moved numbers a bit

* 08607 蘇: Swapped numbers 16, 17

* 0863f 蘿: Moved numbers a bit

* 086e4 蛤: Moved numbers a bit

* 087f2 蟲: Moved a few numbers

* Removed 087f9-Hyougai, same as plain versnio. Moved 087f9-HyougaiKaisho back to just Kaisho

* 087f9 蟹: Moved numbers a bit

* 08827 蠧: Moved numbers a little

* 0883b 蠻: Moved numbers a bit

* 08844 衄: Moved numbers a bit

* 08846 衆: Moved numbers a bit

* 08862 衢: Moved numbers a bit

* 08863 衣: Moved numbers a bit

* 088ab 被: Moved numbers a bit

* 088b5 袵: Moved numbers a bit

* 088f2 裲: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 10,11 and 12,13. Moved numbers a bit

* 08910 褐: Moved numbers a bit

* 08913 褓: Moved a few numbers

* 08938 褸: Moved numbers a bit

* 08943 襃: Moved numbers a bit

* 08956 襖: Moved some numbers

* 0895f 襟: Moved numbers a bit

* 08977 襷: Moved numbers a bit

* 089a6 覦: Moved a few numbers

* 089a7 覧: Moved numbers a bit

* 089aa 親: Moved numbers a bit

* 089c0 觀: Moved a few numbers

* 08a7c 詼: Moved numbers a bit

* 08ab0 誰: Moved a few numbers

* 08ab9-HyougaiMdFst 誹: Moved number 9 a bit

* 08b20 謠: Moved a few numbers

* 08b4c 譌: Moved a few numbers

* 08b8a 變: Moved numbers a bit

* 08b92 讒: Moved a few numbers

* 08c6b 豫: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 9, 10. Moved numbers a bit.

* 08cab 貫: Draw stroke 1 down and rightwards. Also fixed stroke type.

* 08cd1-Kaisho 賑: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 13, 14

* 08cfd 賽: Moved numbers a bit

* 08d0a 贊: Moved a few numbers

* 08d0f 贏: Moved numbers a bit

* 08dfc 跼: Moved number 12 a little

* 08f13 輓: Moved a few numbers

* 08f3b 輻: Moved Numbers a bit

* 08f44 轄: Moved numbers a bit

* 08f45 轅: Swapped numbers 8, 9. Moved numbers a bit.

* 08f4e 轎: Moved numbers a bit

* 08ff8 迸: Moved numbers a bit

* 09077 遷: Moved numbers a bit

* 09189 醉: Moved numbers a bit

* 0936c 鍬: Moved numers a bit

* 093d6 鏖: Moved some numbers

* 09419 鐙: Moved numbers a bit

* 0941a 鐚: Moved numbers a bit

* 0942b 鐫: Moved strokes a bit

* 09477 鑷: Moved a few numbers

* 0947f 鑿: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 13 14.

* 095a4 閤: Draw stroke 13 rightwards and down

* 095ad 閭: Moved numbers a bit, especially 12, 14

* 095cd 闍: Moved a few numbers

* 09699-HyougaiKaisho 隙: Draw stroke 3 downwards

* 096b4 隴: Moved numbers a bit

* 096b8 隸: Moved numbers a bit

* 096cd-Kaisho 雍: Fixed strokes (color &c.) 3–5

* 09749 靉: Moved numbers a bit

* 09760 靠: Swap strokes (type and color &c.) 3, 4

* 097a3 鞣: Moved numbers a bit

* 097f5 韵: Draw stroke 13 rightwards

* 097fb 韻: Moved numbers a bit

* 09870 顰: Moved numbers a bit

* 098aa 颪: Moved numbers a bit

* 098c6 飆: Moved a few numbers

* 09912 餒: Fixed numbers 14–16, moved some numbers

* 09920 餠: Moved numbers a bit

* 09998 馘: Moved numbers a bit

* 099b3-Vt6 馳: Draw stroke 2 rightwards

* 09aef 髯: Swaped strokes (color &c.) 13, 14

* 09ba8 鮨: Moved numbers a bit

* 09c32 鰲: Moved numbers a bit

* 09c48-Kaisho 鱈: Swapped strokes (color &c.) 21, 22

* 09c78 鱸: Moved numbers a bit

* 09d03 鴃: Moved numbers a bit

* 09daf 鶯: Moved numbers a bit

* 09e9d 麝: Moved numbers a bit

* 09ea9 麩: Moved numbers a bit

* 09ed4 黔: Swapped numbers 5, 6, moved numbers a bit

* 09ef6 黶: Moved numbers a bit

* 09ef9 黹: Moved numbers a bit

* 09f15 鼕: Moved numbers a bit

* 08a6e 詮: Moved numbers a bit. Better fit for 入 (instead of 人) element.

* 074f6 瓶: Draw the dot last.

* 御/05fa1: Moved numbers a bit. Especially moved “10” in a bit closer.

* Add copies of kanji with the squarish print (insatsu) variant of 令to the "CJK compatibility" code points.

* 尨/05c28.svg: Fix SVG group IDs

* 恵/06075-KaishoVtLst.svg: Fix SVG group IDs

* 0701e 瀞: Fix SVG group IDs

* 極/06975: Moved numbers a bit, especially the 7.

* Copy the shape from 0961d.svg to 02ecf.svg and 02ed6.svg, and move them.
⻏/02ecf.svg Move the “form used on right side” there
阝/02ed6.svg Move the “form used on left side” there

* Add 关/05173.svg
(Actualy just the shape from 咲  054b2.svg, centered and with metadata corrected)

* These were actually the Chinese stroke orders. As noted elsewhere, this is not HanziVG

* 凸/051f8.svg Swap strokes 1 and 2. Should fix KanjiVG#3

* 0533b.svg/医: Make stroke 6 turn the other way. Also move number 6 a bit.

* 満/06e80.svg: Made stroke 7 a bit longer, 4 a little bit shorter

* 澎/081a8-Kaisho.svg, 081a8.svg: Make stroke 5 longer, 7 shorter

* 琥/07425.svg Swap strokes 7, 8. (The old way was basically the same as the variant "RiLe". This way is standard order for 虍.)

* 均/05747.svg  Make stroke 6 horizontal

* 璢/074a2.svg, 074a2-KaishoVtLst.svg, 074a2-Kaisho.svg: Fix order of strokes 9–11, vertical last.

* 澑/06f91.svg, 06f91-Kaisho.svg: Fix order of strokes 8–110 vertical last.

* 鼇/09f07.svg, 09f07-Kaisho.svg: Swap strokes 16, 17,  18, 19. Stroke order now matches standard order for 黽

* 絨/07d68.svg: Swap strokes 8,9. That's a 十 element.

* 嫂/05ac2-MdFst.svg: Keep the old version as a variant.

* 嫂/05ac2.svg: Draw vertical line of 叟 after the 臼.

* 搜/0641c-MdFst.svg Rescue the MdFst version, basically the old main version.

* 搜/0641c.svg: Draw vertical line of 叟 after the 臼.

* Fix group and strokes ids for 091c1

091c1 had all its IDs named "091c1-MdFst".

* 鼈/09f08.svg: Swap strokes 17, 18

* 藏/085cf-HzFst.svg, 085cf-HzFstTenFst.svg, 085cf.svg: Fix order of strokes 4–8: vertical, horizontal, then the three short strokes.
(The grouping and stroke types need work.)

* 臟/081df-Kaisho.svg, 081df-KaishoHzFst.svg, 081df-KaishoHzFstTenFst.svg, 081df.svg: Fix order of strokes 9–12: vertical, horizontal, then the three short strokes.
(The grouping and stroke types need work.)

* 贓/08d13-Kaisho.svg, 08d13-KaishoHzFst.svg, 08d13-KaishoHzFstTenFst.svg, 08d13.svg: Fix order of strokes 9–12: vertical, horizontal, then the three short strokes.
(The grouping and stroke types need work.)

* 旆/065c6.svg: Join old strokes 7 + 11 to form new stroke 10. This kanji has only 10 strokes.
(The grouping needs work)

* 椛/0691b.svg, 0691b-Kaisho.svg: Make strokes 10, 11 touch, not cross. Looks like the more common handwritten variant.

* 繩/07e69.svg: Swap strokes 11, 12

* 龝/09f9d-Kaisho.svg, 09f9d.svg: Swap strokes 12, 13. Make stroke 12 touch stroke 13 at the bottom.

* 麩/09ea9.svg: Make stroke 6 longer

* 才/0624d.svg: Make stroke 3 cross stroke 2

* 龜/09f9c.svg: Swap strokes 7, 8

* 離/096e2.svg, 096e2-Kaisho.svg: Split stroke 9 → 9, 10

* 黐/09ed0.svg: Split stroke 21 → 21, 22

* 擒/064d2.svg: Split stroke 14 → 14, 15

* 璃/07483.svg: Split stroke 13 → 13, 14

* 檎/06a8e.svg: Split stroke 15 → 15, 16

* 漓/06f13.svg: Split stroke 12 → 12, 13

* 竊/07aca-Kaisho.svg, 07aca-KaishoHzFst.svg, 07aca.svg: Make stroke 21 not cross stroke 20

* 禽/079bd.svg: Split stroke 11 → 11, 12

* 籬/07c6c-Kaisho.svg, 07c6c.svg: Make stroke 15 a bit more slanted/less vertical

* 魑/09b51.svg: Split stroke 19 → 19, 20

* 剝(0525d.svg) and 𠮟(20b9f.svg)
These are the jouyou kanji (常用漢字) versions of the more common variants 剥(05265.svg) and 叱(053f1.svg)
20b9f.svg is new, 0525d.svg is a copy of 05265-Jinmei.svg
This should fix issue KanjiVG#49

* 蔡/08521.svg: Make stroke 8 a bit longer, crossing stroke 9, to bring it in line with 祭.

* 際/0969b.svg: Make stroke 8 a bit shorter to bring the 祭 shape in line with other examples. Moved the  示 a bit to fill the gap.

* The ascii characters copied to the full width character positions.

* Fixup group and path IDs gone astray.

* 辟/08f9f.svg, 辟/08f9f-Kaisho.svg: Fix tare position of 尸 KanjiVG#18

* 丱/04e31.svg, 關/095dc-Kaisho.svg, 關/095dc.svg: Fix stroke types of 丱 right side KanjiVG#63

* use traditional form for kvg:0525d (fixes KanjiVG#110)

* add namespace to unified xml file (fixes KanjiVG#111)

* add namespace to unified xml file (fixes KanjiVG#111)

* add 丰 component group to 蜂 (fixes KanjiVG#109 ; please review)

* kvg:element="冫": add  kvg:original="氷"

* 次 component: add kvg:original="二" for its subcomponent 冫

* 匀 component: add kvg:original="二" for its subcomponent 冫

* 均鈞韵: add kvg:element="匀" and kvg:phon="匀" to respective groups

* 准凖冲决: add kvg:original="水" to 冫

* 終: add kvg:original="氷" to 冫

* Fix a missing "original"

* 均: remove duplicate/spurious kvg:original

* 玲/0f9ad.svg: Fix id's to match codepoint

* 073cd: swap original/element for group 1

fixes KanjiVG#122

* Fix KanjiVG#141: incorrect id attribute values

* 琥/07425.svg: Fix stroke types for 7, 8.
Before 42f9f89, the stroke 'types' were correct, but the stroke vector data were wrong. So fix the stroke types now and keep the vector data.

* 娩/05a29.svg: Swap strokes 8 and 9. Fix for KanjiVG#155.

* Preserve uncommon but allowd variant of 05099/備

* 05099/備 more vertical stroke 7, not touching later strokes

* Remove old Perl scripts

* Remove old output file

* Remove outdated statements from README

Co-authored-by: ospalh <>
Co-authored-by: Alexandre Courbot <>
Co-authored-by: Alessandro Gatti <>
Co-authored-by: Laurent LEC <>
Co-authored-by: Leonardo Boiko <>
Co-authored-by: bdusell <>
Co-authored-by: siikamiika <>
Co-authored-by: Dmitry Shpika <>
Co-authored-by: ospalh <>
Co-authored-by: Ben Bullock <>
  • Loading branch information
11 people authored Mar 27, 2022
1 parent a83b6c5 commit 19c18d9
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Showing 743 changed files with 9,000 additions and 5,678 deletions.
54 changes: 0 additions & 54 deletions

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49 changes: 1 addition & 48 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
This is the KanjiVG source repository. It is rather raw, so you probably want
to process it before using it.
KanjiVG: Kanji Vector Graphics

Expand All @@ -10,49 +9,3 @@

See the COPYING file for more details.

This repository is made of two directories: SVG and XML, as well as a set of
Python scripts.

The SVG and XML directories contain the structural and graphical description
of each kanji, respectively. Each Kanji is described by a file in both
directories, named after its unicode encoding in hexadecimal. Variations of
a Kanji are followed by a textual suffix.

The XML file describes the different components and strokes that make the
kanji in a structured way. In addition, other information such as radicals
and phonetic keys are also given as attributes.

The SVG file guidelines for the graphical representation of various properties
of the Kanji. It is visible as is, but is more interesting when its various
layers are taken differently. Layers are accessible through an attribute:

- The StrokesPaths layer contains <path> elements that should be drawn in
order to render the Kanji. The <path> elements are given following the
correct stroke order and match their corresponding <stroke> element in the XML
- The StrokesNumbers layer contains <text> elements that give a hint as to
where the number of a given stroke should appear for maximum visibility.

There are other layers but they are mostly here as helpers to allow easy
editing within your favorite SVG editor.

The official KanjiVG release is a single XML file that merges the information
contained within the two sets of files. Its syntax is close and compatible with
the individual XML files, but stroke paths and stroke number hints are merged
with every path.

The Python scripts are here to maintain the data and perform simple processing.
- The and files contain a loader for the KanjiVG
release file and different in-memory representations.

- is used to ensure all SVG files have the same structure and
same attributes despite of the editor that has been used to alter them. SVG
editors tend to mess a lot with the styles and the structure of the file they
manipulate and add plenty of attributes. This script loads the essential
information from altered SVG files and regenerate a clean file from the
template.svg file. All changed SVG files must be passed through this filter
before being commited.

307 changes: 0 additions & 307 deletions check-1.0

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155 changes: 0 additions & 155 deletions

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75 changes: 0 additions & 75 deletions

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30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions

This file was deleted.


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