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Autumn edited this page Jul 20, 2022 · 1 revision

AQOS Scripting

Here is an (incomplete) list of the scriptable elements for the AQOS module.


Name PortableOpened
When The player opens their AQOS tablet
Name PortableAppOpened
When The player opens a specific tab in AQOS
Arguments appId (identifier): The id of the opened tab
Name BestiaryEntryAdded
When A new entry (organism/ecosystem) is added to the player's bestiary
Arguments entryId (identifier): The id of the new entry
Name BestiaryFactAdded
When A new fact is added to the player's bestiary
Arguments factId (identifier): The id of the new fact


Name portable:open
Description Indicates whether or not the player's AQOS tablet is open
Type boolean
Name portable:app
Description The currently open AQOS app
Type identifier (Organisms, Environments, Job, Tech, Options)
Name portable:bestiary.currentEntry
Description The id of the currently selected organism/environment in AQOS
Type identifier
Name portable:bestiary.lastSelectedFactId
Description The id of the last selected fact in AQOS
Type identifier


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