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EN ‐ Mod commands

costantino2000 edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 10 revisions

The mod adds several commands, useful for debugging its functions or as alternatives to vanilla commands with added compatibility for the mod's features.


Allows a server admin to configure the Gamemaster mode as an alternative to the mod's configuration menu.

  • /gmaster help

    Prints this help message to the console

    Allows to configure the server to connect to a Ruins of Growsseth gamemaster console and enable gamemaster mode. Make sure to only connect to trusted sources, as they will be able to remotely run commands and more! For more information, see the gamemaster console's guides, and the wiki at [link]

  • /gmaster status

    Shows the status (enabled/disabled) of Gamemaster mode, the URL it is connected to, and the time of the last communication with the server.

  • /gmaster reload

    Reloads the data if Gamemaster mode is active, previously /reloadremote.

  • /gmaster enable|disable

    Enables or disables Gamemaster mode.

  • /gmaster url <url>

    Sets the address that the mod will connect to for Gamemaster mode.


  • /glocate structure <structure> [timeout] [notify=true]

    Similar to /locate structure <structure>, but allows you to set a timeout in seconds after which the search will be stopped. Additionally, it runs parallel to the server, without blocking it like /locate. If notify is set, then progress updates will be sent to the chat.

  • /glocate jigsawStructure <structure> <jigsawId> [timeout] [notify=true]

    As above, but allows you to specify an ID for a jigsaw piece to search for. For example, if you are looking for a desert village containing a golem house, you would write:

    /glocate jigsawStructure minecraft:village_desert growsseth:village/desert/desert_golem_house

  • /glocate stop

    Stops ongoing glocate executions, specifically all those launched by the player who executes the command.


/gplace <structure> x y z [rotation=random] [usesY=true]

Similar to /place structure <structure> x y z, but allows you to specify additional parameters. rotation indicates the rotation of the structure, while usesY allows placement exactly at the specified y coordinate. Additionally, structures will be placed exactly at the specified x and y coordinates, instead of relying solely on the chunk as with /place.

If used on non-mod structures, this command will be the same as /place.


  • /gtemplate [book|sign] @p templateId

Gives the specified player a book/sign containing the specified template. If special characters are present in the id (like "/"), put it inside quotes.

  • /gtemplate [book|sign] list

Lists the IDs of all available book/sign templates.


/givestructmap @p minecraft:stronghold [minecraft:filled_map|growsseth:ruins_map]

Gives the specified player a map pointing to the specified structure/tag structure. You can optionally specify the map item ID to use, between the two in the example.


/gdiary title "Content page 1===Content page 2"

If there is a Researcher within 25 blocks, it makes them place a diary on the lectern containing the specified content, with pages separated by the string '==='. Uses default content and title if not specified.


/greset researcher|structures|all

Resets mod data. If passed researcher, it resets all permanent researcher data (it is recommended not to have Researchers loaded to ensure success). structures resets the progress in discovering structures. all executes all the previous functions.

Gquest [SPOILER]

  • /gquest <ent @e|researcher> info

    Shows the current data and progress of the researcher's final quest.

  • researcher uses the nearest researcher as an abbreviation for '@e[type=growsseth:researcher,limit=1,sort=nearest]'.

    /gquest <ent @e|researcher> stage <stageId>

    Advances the quest to the specified stage, possibly skipping some phases. The possibilities are:

    Researcher quest stage
  • /gquest <ent @e|researcher> back

    Reverts the quest to the previous stage.