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costantino2000 edited this page Sep 20, 2024 · 14 revisions

Note: to update with new biome tags.

Researcher's Tent


This is where the researcher spawns, and the mod's story unfolds.

Created by Vovalcool.

Loot Chest under the tent: 0-1 empty maps, 2-6 pieces of paper.
Technical Info The donkey can't die while it's inside the tent and the researcher is nearby, since it would have been hard to manage dialogues about its death, and creepers exploding inside the tent deal no damage to both blocks and entities, for similar reasons.
Spoiler There's a secret the researcher wants to keep hidden...

Cave Camp


The least complex structure, initially designed as a tutorial for the gamemaster mode.

It teaches that mushrooms grow in the dark and that lava can be collected in cauldrons and used to fuel furnaces.

Created by Reivaxelain.

Loot 1-2 mushroom stews, 2-3 bowls, 4-9 brown mushrooms, 4-9 red mushrooms, 3-6 raw iron, 3-6 raw copper, chance for the disc "Sega di Niente" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

A Banner


It's exactly what it looks like, a signaling banner and nothing more.

It doesn't spawn naturally; it's intended to be used in gamemaster mode to mark entrances from which players can reach the cave camp.

Golem Forger House


Villagers have to build golems somewhere. These workshops (some more practical than others) spawn along with other houses in villages.

They teach the player how to build iron golems, with chests containing enough materials to craft the missing blocks and a couple of shears to use on the pumpkins outside to use them as heads.

Each variant also has a version that spawns in zombie villages.

The Researcher also sells maps to these, altough they are not standalone structures.

Created by Reivaxelain.

Loot Normal houses: 1 pair of shears, 18 iron ingots, 3-8 pumpkin seeds, 1-4 pumpkin pies.

Zombie houses: 0-1 pair of shears, 2-6 iron ingots, 0-3 pumpkin seeds.

In both versions: chance for the disc "Elogio a Padre Mammonk" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

Notes and /locate

Being a village house and not a structure in itself, it can't be found with /locate as usual. If you want to find it with commands, you can use the/glocate command, with one of these IDs:

House ID ID of the village to search for
growsseth:village/plains/plains_golem_house minecraft:village_plains
growsseth:village/plains/plains_golem_house_zombie minecraft:village_plains
growsseth:village/desert/desert_golem_house minecraft:village_desert
growsseth:village/desert/desert_golem_house_zombie minecraft:village_desert
growsseth:village/taiga/taiga_golem_house minecraft:village_taiga
growsseth:village/taiga/taiga_golem_house_zombie minecraft:village_taiga
growsseth:village/snowy/snowy_golem_house minecraft:village_snowy
growsseth:village/snowy/snowy_golem_house_zombie minecraft:village_snowy
growsseth:village/savanna/savanna_golem_house minecraft:village_savanna
growsseth:village/savanna/savanna_golem_house_zombie minecraft:village_savanna

The house variants are available in Gamemaster mode as standalone structures that can be manually placed.

The Ruined Tower


The logo of the mod. This structure has a strong connection to the game's lore, is very rare, and can be found in mountains.

It teaches the player how to use the enchanting table through diary narration and environmental clues. Along the ascent, there are various carved bookshelves containing enchanted books. At the top, there are the materials needed to craft an enchanting table, and a space to place it to see the available enchantment level changes.

Created by Reivaxelain.

Loot Chests along the ascent (there are 2): 1 book with random enchantments between levels 20 and 30, 0-2 experience bottles, 1-5 books, 6-15 lapis lazuli.

Chest at the top: 2 diamonds (so you can craft the table with obsidian), 1 iron sword with 50 durability and random enchantments between level 30 and 40, 1-5 books, 6-15 lapis lazuli, chance for the disc "Missiva nell'Ombra" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

The Abandoned Forge


Originally cut content, now an integral part of the mod.

It shows the player the existence of all the blocks related to forging and enhancing weapons and armor: anvil, grindstone, smithing table, and blast furnace. It contains a Wither painting (as foreshadowing/clue on how to create it) and a broken portal to indicate the connection with the Nether.

Created by Reivaxelain.

Loot 1 Growsseth forging schematic (for the smithing table), 2 books with random enchantments between levels 10 and 20 (for the anvil or grindstone), 1-3 iron swords, 10-20 iron ingots, chance for the disc "Abbandonati" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".
Spoiler The painting hides a secret...

The Beekeeper's House


A ruined cottage that can be found in flowered forests and meadows. The homeowner, now a zombie, continues steadfastly to take care of her bees (cannot burn like normal zombies, has a hidden stone button under the hat).

This structure exists to teach everything about beekeeping in the game and the things connected to it (candles, campfires, etc.).

House entirely created by Vovalcool, then tweaked into ruins by Reivaxelain.

Loot Chest: 1 flint and steel, 1 shears, 1-3 empty bottles, 4-8 glass blocks, 1-2 candles, 4-8 strings, chance for the "Odi et Amo" disc or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

Barrels (there are 4): 14-20 honeycombs, 1-3 bottles of honey.

The Musical Laboratory


A structure that teaches the player how to use noteblocks, presenting a calibrated circuit that plays the main theme of Outer Wilds, and contains in the diary subtle foreshadowing on the uses of amethyst (sculk sensors and allay duplication).

Created by bb01.

Loot Upstairs chests: 3-6 rotten flesh, 2-4 poisonous potatoes, 3-6 cobwebs, 1-3 among the discs variations of "Giorgio", "Binobinooo", and "Ancora Qui", and chance for a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

Basement chests: 1-2 repeaters, 2-4 redstone torches, 5-7 redstone dusts, 3-5 sticks, 1-3 red wool, 1-3 white wool, 1-3 strings, 5-8 amethyst shards.

The Conduit Church


Together with the tower, it is a main structure of the mod's story, being linked to the rites of the sea. It is also rarer than the other mod structures (but slightly less than the tower).

It presents a construction to be repaired in which to insert the conduit. Finding the secret passage to an underwater labyrinth with writings on the walls (a reminiscence of one pair of videogames) presents a riddle on how to rebuild the structure and craft the Conduit.

Created by Reivaxelain.


Loot Chests above the seabed (there are 3): 1-2 nautilus shells, 3-6 prismarine bricks, 3-6 prismarine blocks, 5-10 prismarine shards, 5-10 prismarine crystals, 5-10 gold ingots, 5-10 cod, 5-10 bones.

In the suspicious gravel: a 50% chance to find the mod sherds; otherwise, gravel loot consists of various vanilla sherds, an iron axe, and the following: emerald, cod, coal, gold nugget.

Hidden treasure: 1 heart of the sea, 1 trident with 50 durability, curse of vanishing, and enchantments from level 25-35, from 1-2 enchanted golden apples, 3-5 diamonds, 10-20 gold ingots (5-10 with two rolls to fill the chest more), 5-10 prismarine shards, 5-10 prismarine crystals, chance for one of the discs between "Caco Caco" and "Pesci Strani" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

The Musical Ship


A version of the musical laboratory that was not selected for the Cydonia version, and that was used in the Community version of the mod.

In the hold, there is the same circuit as the laboratory in a more compact version. The captain's room features his diary and a record player.

Being considered an extra structure, it is not part of the researcher's quest.

Created by Reivaxelain.

Loot Chest: 2-3 mod music discs, 10-20 redstone dust, 1-2 empty maps, 1 compass, 1-3 among the variations of "Giorgio", "Binobinooo", and "Ancora Qui" discs, and chance for a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

Barrels: 0-10 among water bottles, sandwiches, cooked steaks, and cooked porkchops (only one type of item per barrel).

The Conduit Ruins


Original version of the conduit ruins, later replaced by the church in the Cydonia version.

It is a sort of underwater square whose purpose is unknown, but where offerings to some deity were probably made. At the top of the central structure, there is a destroyed building to be repaired, to put the Conduit inside.

Being considered an extra structure, it is not part of the researcher's quest.

Created by bb01.

Loot Chests: 1-2 nautilus shells (to foreshadow the conduit), 0-1 fishing rods with random enchantments, 3-4 prismarine blocks (to rebuild the structure), 3-6 prismarine shards, 2-4 sea lanterns, 3-6 prismarine crystals, 1-4 salmon, 1-3 dried kelp blocks, chance for one of the discs between "Caco Caco" and "Pesci Strani" or a fragment for the disc "Ballata del Respawn".

In the suspicious gravel: 50% chance to find the mod fragments, or otherwise vanilla sherds, iron axe, emerald, cod, coal, gold nugget.