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Releases: fivetran/dbt_hubspot

v0.22.0 dbt_hubspot

05 Mar 21:02
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PR #156 includes the following updates:


  • Select fields have been deprecated from hubspot__contact_lists model as well as the upstream stg_hubspot__contact_list model (see HubSpot Source (#137) for details). The full removal date is planned for May 10th, 2025. Follow Deprecation Issue #138 for more details and updates around the planned sunsetting of the fields.
    • The deprecated fields include the following:
      • is_deletable
      • is_dynamic
      • metadata_error
      • metadata_last_processing_state_change_at
      • metadata_last_size_change_at
      • metadata_processing
      • metadata_size
      • portal_id

Breaking Changes

  • Select fields have been added to the hubspot__contact_lists model as well as the upstream stg_hubspot__contact_list model (see HubSpot Source (#137) for details).
    • The newly added fields include the following:
      • created_by_id
      • object_type_id
      • processing_status
      • processing_type
      • list_version
      • filters_updated_at


  • All deprecated fields have been documented as notice of deprecation in the respective yml documents.
  • All added fields have been documented.

Under the Hood

  • Added a deprecation tracker GitHub issue template to ensure deprecated fields are appropriately tracked for full removal in a future planned update.
  • Added consistency validation tests to ensure the hubspot__contact_lists model remains consistent on subsequent updates.
  • Included an integrity validation test to ensure the accuracy of the hubspot__contact_lists model.
  • Updated the daily ticket integrity and consistency tests to be turned off if the hubspot_service_enabled variable is disabled.

Full Changelog: v0.21.0...v0.22.0

v0.21.0 dbt_hubspot

05 Feb 20:47
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This release includes the following updates:

Breaking Changes

  • For Quickstart users, the models hubspot__daily_ticket_history and hubspot__tickets are now available within the Quickstart UI and are enabled by default. (#154)


  • Added Quickstart model counts to README. (#152)
  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (#152)

Under the hood

  • Added hubspot__daily_ticket_history and hubspot__tickets models to the public_models list in quickstart.yml. (#154)

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0

v0.21.0-a1 dbt_hubspot

27 Jan 16:38
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PR #154 includes the following updates:


  • Added Quickstart model counts to README. (#152)
  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (#152)

Under the hood

  • Added hubspot__daily_ticket_history and hubspot__tickets models to the public_models list in quickstart.yml.
    • This pre-release tests models that are disabled by default for compatibility with quickstart.

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0-a1

v0.20.0 dbt_hubspot

11 Nov 21:18
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PR #150 includes the following updates:

Upstream Breaking Changes (--full-refresh required after upgrading)

  • Introduced a new category column to the following upstream models (see dbt_hubspot_source CHANGELOG notes). This association field differentiates records by either HUBSPOT_DEFINED (default label) or USER_DEFINED (custom label) and was introduced to the Hubspot connector in October 2024. See the connector release notes for more.

    • stg_hubspot__deal_company
    • stg_hubspot__deal_contact
    • stg_hubspot__engagement_company
    • stg_hubspot__engagement_contact
    • stg_hubspot__engagement_deal
    • stg_hubspot__ticket_company
    • stg_hubspot__ticket_contact
    • stg_hubspot__ticket_deal
    • stg_hubspot__ticket_engagement
  • Since new columns were added upstream, a --full-refresh is needed.

Under the Hood

  • Updated the respective seed files in the integration_tests folder to property test for the new category field.
  • Updated seed files to make consistent with the seed files in dbt_hubspot_source.

Full Changelog: v0.19.1...v0.20.0

v0.19.1 dbt_hubspot

24 Oct 22:04
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PR #148 includes the following updates:

Under the Hood

  • Removed hubspot__daily_ticket_history, hubspot__tickets from the quickstart.yml since these models may not always be present.

Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.19.1

v0.19.0 dbt_hubspot

17 Oct 15:23
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PR #147 includes the following updates:

Breaking Changes

⚠️ Since the following changes result in the table format changing, we recommend running a --full-refresh after upgrading to this version to avoid possible incremental failures.

  • We have made this a breaking change due to upstream changes that may alter your schema. While changes are made 'behind the scenes' to now allow models to successfully run with both hubspot__pass_through_all_columns and hubspot__<>_pass_through_columns, this may be a breaking change due to leveraging the remove_duplicate_and_prefix_from_columns macro. This is a breaking change because this macro can remove duplicate fields, resulting in an impact to your schema. For more information refer to the upstream dbt_hubspot_source v0.16.0 release notes.

Under the Hood

  • Updated seed data to include fields with special syntax in order to test the above changes.

Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0

v0.18.0 dbt_hubspot

01 Aug 14:39
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PR #144 includes the following updates:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

⚠️ Since the following changes result in the table format changing, we recommend running a --full-refresh after upgrading to this version to avoid possible incremental failures.

  • For Databricks All-Purpose clusters, incremental models will now be materialized using the delta table format (previously parquet).

    • Delta tables are generally more performant than parquet and are also more widely available for Databricks users. This will also prevent compilation issues on customers' managed tables.
  • For Databricks SQL Warehouses, incremental materialization will not be used due to the incompatibility of the insert_overwrite strategy.

Under the Hood

  • The is_incremental_compatible macro has been added and will return true if the target warehouse supports our chosen incremental strategy.
    • This update was applied as there have been other Databricks runtimes discovered (ie. an endpoint and external runtime) which do not support the insert_overwrite incremental strategy used.
  • Added integration testing for Databricks SQL Warehouse.
  • Added consistency tests for hubspot__daily_ticket_history.

Full Changelog: v0.17.2...v0.18.0

v0.17.2 dbt_hubspot

14 May 21:42
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PR #142 includes the following updates:

🪲 Bug Fixes 🪛

  • Fixed the fivetran_utils.enabled_vars conditional by adding the hubspot_contact_list_member_enabled variable in the hubspot__contact_lists model. This solves for compilation errors when the contact_list source table is not synced in the destination. If hubspot_contact_list_member_enabled is true, int_hubspot__email_metrics__by_contact_list is brought in as a dependency, and ignored otherwise.

🚘 Under the Hood 🚘

  • Updated the integration_tests/dbt_project.yml variables to be global to ensure more effective testing of our seed data.
  • Updated property_closed_date and property_createdate datatypes in ticket_data to cast as timestamp to fix datetime data type issues in BigQuery tests.
  • Updated the maintainer PR template to resemble the most up to date format.
  • Removed the check docs GitHub Action as it is no longer necessary.

Full Changelog: v0.17.1...v0.17.2

v0.17.1 dbt_hubspot

16 Apr 21:42
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PR #140 includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes

  • Included explicit datatype casts to {{ dbt.type_string() }} within the join of contact_merge_audit.vid_to_merge to contacts.contact_id in the int_hubspot__contact_merge_adjust model.
    • This update was required to address a bug where the IDs in the join would overflow to bigint or be interpreted as strings. This change ensures the join fields have matching datatypes.

Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.17.1

v0.17.0 dbt_hubspot

05 Mar 20:08
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PR #137 includes the following updates:

🚨 Breaking Changes: Variable Bug Fixes 🚨

  • The following are now dependent on the hubspot_email_event_sent_enabled variable being defined as true:
    -hubspot__contact_lists email metric fields
    -hubspot__contact email metric fields
    -hubspot__email_campaigns model
    -int_hubspot__email_metrics__by_contact_list model

Note: This is a breaking change for users who have the hubspot_email_event_sent_enabled variable set to false as this update will change the above behaviors of the package. For all other users, these changes will not be breaking.

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0