Releases: frank20a/audio-visualiser
Releases · frank20a/audio-visualiser
Audio Visualiser v1.5
Audio Visualiser v1.4
[v1.4] - 29-08-2020
- Settings tab added on main application menubar.
- Added list to choose audio input device on settings tab.
- Added requirements.txt file for required Python3 modules.
- License notice (will change again)
- Minor code reformatting
Audio Visualiser v1.3.1
[v1.3.1] - 17-06-2020
- Finished Settings Panel for TCP communication on beat detect
- Created connection UI for TCP communication with a console and ip/port selection
- Fixed settings panels drawing over each other and overlapping
- Moved old utility scripts to different folder
- Minor Fixes
Audio Visualiser v1.3
[v1.3] - 11-06-2020
Introduced Sensor Screens. Sensors are modules that detect stuff (like beats) and do something with it.
- Added BeatDetector Class.
- BeatDetectorTCP subclasses BeatDetector and will connect to a remote host and send a TCP packet when detecting a beat
- Added support for size changing of screens
- Added settings for changing alignment of SpectrumLine
- Fixed Size settings errors on boxes
- Fixed Colour change settings error
- Fixed y-dimension size changing not updating render area
- Minor Fixes
Audio Visualiser v1.2
[v1.2] - 30-05-2020
- Serial Connection added in the Layout Manager
- Created Arduino Firmware for communication. Transmition tested: barely fast enough at 250kBps baud rate. Recommended 500kBps or more (Arduino has been tested stable for up to 2MBps). Arduino code hasn't been tested with LEDs yet.
- Minor Fixes
Audio Visualiser v1.1.2
[v1.1.2] - 17-05-2020
- Changed to unpack data using numpy and float32 instead of int16 and built-in unpack() for more resolution and WAY more speed.
- Minor Bug Fix
Audio Visualiser v1.1.1
[v1.1.1] - 16-05-2020
- Changed Spectrum default to ISO 31 band spectrum analiser frequencies with 40 pixels resolution
- Changes in Deprecated bands displaying average of multiple frequencies (now display single frequency measurement)
- Default fft samples are now tripled (6144) in
- Changes in Spectrum Line to fit new single frequency change.
- Changes in to fit new single frequency changes
- Minor Fixes
Audio Visualiser v1.1
[v1.1] - 26-04-2020
- Connections in Layout Manager now process data according to the LED Layout that the user provides
- Minor Fixes
Audio Visualiser v1.0
[v1.0] - 26-04-2020
The first official non-beta release is marked by the integration of Audio Visualiser with the LED Screen Layout Manager. The software has reached a point where it is performing stabily enough and I can know call it COMPLETE. From now on I will keep updating with additions, fixes and new features.
- Integrated LED Screen Layout Manager with Audio Visualiser. Layout Manager is opened in a Process from Visualiser and shared data via Queue.
- Added menubar on Visualiser. Currently only adding screens and opening Layout Manager are functional.
- Visualiser screens have LIVE option when Layout Manager is open. The LIVE screen puts its frames into the shared Queue for the Layout Manager to read.
- Layout Manager now has Connection objects that transmit data received from the Visualiser. Currently they just dump the data.
- Removed accidentally uploaded icon pack zip
- Minor Layout Manager menu fixes and additions
Audio Visualiser beta.10
[v0.5.4-beta] - 29-03-2020 to 06-04-2020
- [v0.5.2] Settings for Spectrum Line
- [v0.5.4] Started working on boxes Screen
- [v0.5.1] The way settings menu works. Created custom tk widgets for each element.
- [v0.5.2] Improved the way tkinter code was implemented and added more widgets
- [v0.5.3] Reformatted code
- [v0.5.4] Fixed tkinter error when exiting
- [v0.5.4] Added back alignment for Spectrum Line