Audio Visualiser v1.0
[v1.0] - 26-04-2020
The first official non-beta release is marked by the integration of Audio Visualiser with the LED Screen Layout Manager. The software has reached a point where it is performing stabily enough and I can know call it COMPLETE. From now on I will keep updating with additions, fixes and new features.
- Integrated LED Screen Layout Manager with Audio Visualiser. Layout Manager is opened in a Process from Visualiser and shared data via Queue.
- Added menubar on Visualiser. Currently only adding screens and opening Layout Manager are functional.
- Visualiser screens have LIVE option when Layout Manager is open. The LIVE screen puts its frames into the shared Queue for the Layout Manager to read.
- Layout Manager now has Connection objects that transmit data received from the Visualiser. Currently they just dump the data.
- Removed accidentally uploaded icon pack zip
- Minor Layout Manager menu fixes and additions