Skill based system for ROS (SkiROS) - simple UAV library from the RVMI lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Last readME update: 21/09/2016
Compatibility: Has been tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo.
The repository is a collection of plugins for the SkiROS system, for more information refer to the SkiROS package readME.
This repository provide SkiROS with a minimal collection of plugins to simulate the high-level behavior of an UAV.
- skiros_simple_uav: ontology extention plus specific launch file and scene
- simple_uav_conditions: holds fly, landed and LowBattery conditions
- simple_uav_primitives: holds monitor_battery primitive
- simple_uav_skills: holds flyAltidude, land, drive_uav, pick_uav and place_uav skills
- skiros
- skiros_std_lib
To launch the system:
- roslaunch skiros_simple_uav skiros_simple_uav.launch