All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- sp: Updated docs to cover setting properties for clientside webparts @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- sp: Fix issue with isolated runtimes and global headers @tavikukko [PR]
- sp: Fix issue with clientside-page like/unlike @juliemturner [PR]
- sp: Fix for taxonomy getAllChildrenAsOrderedTree method for terms without ordering information @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- sp: Fix for setProxyUrl not using configured setting for some auth tasks @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- sp: Adds addChunked stream version for node @koltyakov [PR]
- general: Push tags on release #1484 @pdecat [PR]
- general: Isolated Runtimes for sp and graph + node module updates @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- graph: Graph search, getListItemEntityTypeFullName caching, and dev deps updates @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- docs: Fix graph group sample @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- docs: Fix bug in settings.example @juliemturner [PR]
- sp: Bug fix for parser in creating teams & docs @juliemturner [PR]
- sp: validateUpdateListItem on file item ref doesn't work #1477 @juliemturner [PR]
- sp: Likes are not supported in this item #1498 @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Minor documentation update @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- graph: Added new method to get the Team Site for a Group @RamPrasadMeenavalli [PR]
- general: Adding MSAL support for local dev and tests, updating actions to use @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- sp: Adds and updates for Taxonomy issues @patrick-rodgers [PR]
- graph: Add create for teams endpoint, Adds team getOperationId, Updates cloneTeam response type @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Updated SPFx On-Prem & TypeScript (alternative) docs @koltyakov [PR]
- sp: Add NextHref prop in IRenderListDataAsStreamResult @Leomaradan [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with addChunked method @tavikukko [PR]
- docs: Updating methods for valid syntax @bcameron1231 [PR]
- docs: HubSite Documentation Fix @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Spelling fix @RamPrasadMeenavalli [PR]
- docs: Spelling fix mkdocs.yml @RamPrasadMeenavalli [PR]
- sp: Adds new ClientSidePage.setBannerImageFromExternalUrl #1396 [PR]
- sp: Adds new getParentInfos to List, Folder, and Items [PR]
- sp: Adds ability to work with very large libraries with > 5000 files to Files.addChunked method #1424
- sp: Updates ClientSideText adding additional
tags which are no longer needed. #1282 [PR] - sp: Updates Folder methods (moveTo, moveByPath, copyTo, copyByPath) to remove dependency on
. #1395 @hohenp [PR]
- sp: Fixes issue renderListDataAsStream not passing in URL parameters #1414 [PR]
- graph: Fixes issue with multiple graph methods not honoring 'inBatch' #1411 [PR]
- sp: Fixes folder default values at library just working for first default value #1434 @tavikukko [PR]
- sp: Fix for issue setting taxonomy field default values for libs/folders #1426 @tavikukko [PR]
- docs/sp: Address underlying api issue in #1383 by adding
known issue
tag @juliemturner [PR] - node: Adds support for node MSAL client with docs, Likely addresses #1226 as well with introduction of modern msal support #1390 [PR]
- sp: Use string values for the BasePermission High and Low properties in SP RoleDef updates @danwatford [PR]
- docs/sp & graph: update taxonomy for change in beta endpoints #1359, #1378 & graph update for photos endpoint #1368 @juliemturner [PR]
- docs/graph: Update docs for calendars, contacts, directoryobjects, insights, invitations, onedrive, planner. Update @microsoft/microsoft-graph-types to 1.22.0 @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Fix Microsoft 365 PnP logo @thechriskent [PR]
- sp: Fixes issue with ViewsLifeTime search property casing in name #1401 [PR]
- packaging: update to include .map files in packages [PR]
- docs: update to docs for nodejs sp extensions [PR]
- sp: update how batch error handling is done [PR]
- nodejs: fix for nodejs-commonjs error in 2.0.9 [PR]
- odata: updates how extensions are managed when extending a factory [PR]
- sp: Added support for deleteWithParameters for folder, file, and item [PR]
- sp: Adding support for file.Exists to handle errors #1320 [PR]
- sp: Adding support for AddSubFolderUsingPath #1340 [PR]
- nodejs: Add getStream support to Nodejs @naugtur [PR]
- Renaming all instances of master to main in scripts, docs, and code [PR]
- sp: Updates to adjust taxonomy support and docs to reflect changes in api [PR]
- docs/graph: Docs updates to address #1341, #1099, and updated graph typings version to 1.17.0 @juliemturner [PR]
- sp: Fixes an issue for users not using minimal meta-data where unpatched 2016 returns verbose results that caused an error in getParentWeb. [PR]
- docs/graph: Updated documentation and added Graph tests @dcashpeterson [PR]
- sp/graph: Bug fixes for #1337, #1349 @juliemturner [PR]
- sp/graph: Fix for #1330, fixing linting issues, update tests for client side pages [PR]
- sp: Added custom SPHttpClient extensibility and docs [PR]
- graph: Added baseUrl [PR]
- graph: Added ability to pass the SPFx context directly to setup [PR]
- docs: Added article on library configuration [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with renderListDataAsStream when omitting overrideParameters [PR]
- docs: Various updates, improvements, and corrections @dcashpeterson [PR]
- graph: Removed adaljslcient library dependency [PR]
- graph: Added calendar endpoints and docs @JakeStanger [PR]
- msaljsclient: Added a new client for MSAL in browser [PR]
- docs: Added a new article on error handling [PR]
- graph: Adds the calendarView method to calenders and users [PR]
- docs: Moved contribution guide to its own section and expanded [PR]
- adaljsclient: Fixed bug in getToken @jusper-dk [PR]
- sp: Fixed a bug in the role definition and graph planner task details when updating @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Updated @cesarhoeflich [PR]
- docs: Updated @mikezimm [PR]
- docs: Updated @Harshagracy [PR]
- docs: Fixed typos in @NZainchkovskiy [PR]
- sp: Fixed uri encoding for select, expand, and orderby query params [PR]
- docs: Fixed typos in readme and docs/ @Ashikpaul [PR]
- docs: Fixed typos and wording to make more clear @MarkyDeParky [PR]
- sp: Fixed code comment typo in queryable.ts @NZainchkovskiy [PR]
- docs: Removed duplicate search menu item @f1nzer [PR]
- graph: Made setEndpoint public, adds back property [PR]
- sp: Fixed bug with setting profile photo [PR]
- docs: Fixed typos in file attachment docs @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Fixed a typo in @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue updating certain field types due to non-matching type [PR]
- sp: Adds read operations for v2.1 Taxonomy API [PR]
- sp: Adds support for setting client side page description [PR]
- sp: Adds support for setting client side page thumbnail [PR]
- docs: Added await to the searcher function in search factory. @derhallim [PR]
- docs: Update comment line sentence in hubsites. @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- docs: Change Warn to Warning in logger. @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- docs: Change LogListener to ILogListener in logger. @ravichandran-blog [PR]
- graph: Added tests and docs for groups @dcashpeterson [PR]
- sp: Added method to check it site collection exists @DRamalho92 [PR]
- sp: Added suppot for setting banner image in clientside-page copy [PR]
- sp: Made field type optional when updating a field [PR]
- polyfills: Allow selective import of polyfills [PR]
- graph: Fixed issue with directoy-objects return types @juliemturner [PR]
- docs: Updated graph teams article @jaywellings [PR]
- docs: Fixed nav node name for users link @siddharth-vaghasia [PR]
- sp: Fixed missing delete method on fields @tavikukko [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with search results if there are zero rows returned [PR]
- common: Fixed storage issue in node related to usingCaching [PR]
- sp: Fixed bug in searchWithCaching [PR]
- graph: Added Graph Insights + documentation @simonagren [PR]
- sp: Added support, docs, and tests for default column values [PR]
- sp: Added support for setting clientside page author field [PR]
- sp: Added support for executeSiteScriptAction on Site [PR]
- sp: Added support for accessing title and description resource on Web, List, Content Type, Field, and User Custom Action [PR]
- sp: Added support for additional site creation properties [PR]
- sp: Added support for getFileByUrl method on web [PR]
- sp: Added support to specify promoted state when creating or copying clientside pages [PR]
- sp: brought over a v1 change that was missed for getCurrentUserEffectivePermissions @koltyakov [PR]
- graph: fixed graph planner bucket edit and delete with etag @JMTeamway [PR]
- docs: Add starting '/' on relative urls in files & folders docs @joelfmrodrigues [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with absolute url when copy/moving files and folders by path @joelfmrodrigues [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with Retry-After not being converted to milliseconds @koltyakov [PR]
- docs: Fixed imports for sp.profiles docs @joelfmrodrigues [PR]
- docs: Fixed storage entities docs to correctly ref IStorageEntity @PaoloPia [PR]
- docs: Replaced a TODO with proper content @hugoabernier [PR]
- docs: Fixed fields documentation @AJIXuMuK [PR]
- sp: Fixed code to support accessing a safe global object regardless of environment [PR]
- docs: Fixed docs around comments imports [PR]
- sp: Fixed issue with null emphasis object in clientside pages [PR]
- docs: Added recycle method to docs for list item [PR]
- graph: Fixed issues with batching parsing and improved error handling [PR]
- docs: Fixed a bad link and replaced TODO's with content in web article [PR]
Happy Valentine's Day ❤
- docs: added article on using odata debugging extensions [PR]
- sp: added getFolderById and getFileById methods with tests and docs [PR]
- graph: added people property to user [PR]
- sp: added additional props to addValidateUpdateItemUsingPath method [PR]
- sp & graph: added automatic retry on 504 errors @mrebuffet [PR]
- docs: updated article on ie11 mode and polyfills [PR]
- graph: fix for missing eTag in update/delete @JMTeamway [PR]
- sp: docs updates and export fixes for entity parsers [PR]
- docs: fixed transition guide link [PR]
- docs: expand article on using setBannerImage for clientside pages [PR]
- graph: fixed team displayName property @RoelVB [PR]
- docs: removed "src" in import path in site-users article @ValerasNarbutas [PR]
- odata: fixed edge case affecting batch ordering [PR]
- odata: fixed issue with core Proxy handler "has" operation [PR]
- odata: updated interface to use I prefix, code cleanup [PR]
- sp: added moveByPath and copyByPath to file and folder @joelfmrodrigues [PR]
- buildsystem: added ability to include a distint "module" build into the packages [PR]
- sp: added multiple render option capability to renderListDataAsStream [PR]
- graph: fix for missing get method @KEMiCZA [PR]
- all: module issues importing into node and SPFx [PR]
- sp: search end point issues @KEMiCZA [PR]
- sp: openWebById bug @tavikukko [PR]
- sp: added missing properties to IListInfo interface [PR]
- polyfill: fixed issue with stack overflow and symbol [PR]
- docs: many fixes for content and typos
- TONS of fixes @juliemturner [PR]
- @JakeStanger [PR]
- Unpublished due to module issues
- odata: added IQueryableData
- all: added tests for all methods/properties
- all: added docs entries for all methods/properties
- odata: extension methods
- sp: added ability to add/retrieve comments directly from IClientsidePage
- odata: refactor Queryable
- removed withPipeline
- removed the action methods (get, post, put, delete)
- introduced "invokable" concept
- added additional methods to operate on Queryables
- all inheriting methods updated with interfaces and factory functions
- remove ODataQueryable and merged into Queryable
- created binding functions for invokables and operations
- sp & graph: libraries can be selectively imported
- all: updated internals to use await
- all: interfaces prefixed with "I"
- odata: an empty request pipeline now throws an error
- sp & graph: updated clone to use factory methods
- sp: changed signature of createDefaultAssociatedGroups
- sp: all query string params are escaped within the library
- tooling: gulp tasks rewritten in TypeScript, updated to latest
- tooling: build system rewritten as cli
- common: extend renamed to assign
- sp: client side pages breaking changes in method signatures
- sp: breaking change to rename search classes and factories
- common: moved adalclient to @pnp/adaljsclient to reduce size of common
- odata: removed "as" method from SharePoint & Graph Queryable
- sp: removed WebInfos class
- sp: removed InstalledLanguages class
- sp: removed Web.addClientSidePageByPath
- all: removed bundles from npm packages
- tooling: removed gulp and replaced tasks with npm scripts
- all: no longer building es5 code
- common: removed getAttrValueFromString method