This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 11, 2020. It is now read-only.
- Added ability to print custom text on the images fetched by the Image provider #583 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed typos in Preuvian (es_PE) Person provider #581 #580 (ysramirez)
- Added instructions for installing with composer to #572 (totophe)
- Added Kazakh (kk_KZ) locale #569 (YerlenZhubangaliyev)
- Added Korean (ko_KR) locale #566 (pearlc)
- Fixed file provider to ignore unreadable and special files #565 (svrnm)
- Fixed Dutch (nl_NL) Address and Person providers #560 (killerog)
- Fixed Dutch (nl_NL) Person provider #559 (pauledenburg)
- Added Russian (ru_RU) Bank names provider #553 (wizardjedi)
- Added mobile phone function in French (fr_FR) provider #552 (kletellier)
- Added phpdoc for new magic methods in Generator to help IntelliSense completion #550 (stof)
- Fixed File provider bug 'The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory' #547 (svrnm)
- Added new Brazilian (pt_BR) Providers #545 (igorsantos07)
- Fixed ability to seed the generator #543 (schmengler)
- Added streetAddress formatter to Russian (ru_RU) provider #542 (ZAYEC77)
- Fixed Internet provider warning "Could not create transliterator"* #541 (fonsecas72)
- Fixed Spanish for Argentina (es_AR) Address provider #540 (ivanmirson)
- Fixed region names in French for Belgium (fr_BE) address provider #536 (miclf)
- Fixed broken Doctrine2 link in README #534 (JonathanKryza)
- Added link to faker-context Behat extension in readme #532 (denheck)
- Added PHP 7.0 nightly to Travis build targets #525 (TomasVotruba)
- Added Dutch (nl_NL) color names #523 (belendel)
- Fixed Chinese (zh_CN) Address provider (remove Taipei) #522 (asika32764)
- Fixed phonenumber formats in Dutch (nl_NL) PhoneNumber provider #521 (SpaceK33z)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Address provider #518 (glagola)
- Added Italian (it_IT) Text provider #517 (endelwar)
- Added Norwegian (no_NO) locale #515 (phaza)
- Added VAT number to Bulgarian (bg_BG) Payment provider #512 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed UserAgent provider outdated user agents #511 (ajbdev)
- Fixed
formatter to make it work with temp dir of any (decent) OS #507 (ronanguilloux) - Added Persian (fa_IR) locale #500 (zoli)
- Added Currency Code formatter #497 (stelgenhof)
- Added VAT number to Belgium (be_BE) Payment provider #495 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed
formatter bug where it would always return the same image #494 (fzaninotto) - Added more Indonesian (id_ID) providers #493 (deerawan)
- Added Indonesian (id_ID) locale #492 (stoutZero)
- Fixed unique generator performance #491 (ikwattro)
- Added transliterator to
#490 (fzaninotto) - Added Hungarian (hu_HU) Text provider #486 (lintaba)
- Fixed CakePHP Entity Popolator (some cases where no entities prev. inserted) #483 (jadb)
- Added Color and DateTime Turkish (tr_TR) Providers #481 (behramcelen)
- Added Latvian (lv_LV)
formatter #472 (MatissJanis) - Added VAT number to Austrian (at_AT) Payment provider #470 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed missing @return phpDoc in Payment provider #469 (ronanguilloux)
- Added SWIFT/BIC payment type formatter to the Payment provider #465 (ronanguilloux)
- Fixed small typo in Base provider exception #460 (miclf)
- Added Georgian (ka_Ge) locale #457 (lperto)
- Added PSR-4 Autoloading #455 (GrahamCampbell)
- Added Uganda (en_UG) locale #454 (tharoldD)
- Added
formatter, generating a random string based on a regular expression #453 (fzaninotto) - Added shuffle formatter, to shuffle an array or a string #452 (fzaninotto)
- Added ISBN-10 & ISBN-13 codes formatters to Barcode provider #451 (gietos)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) middle names (different for different genders) #450 (gietos)
- Fixed Ukranian (uk_UA) Person provider #448 (aivus)
- Added Vietnamese (vi_VN) locale #447 (huy95)
- Added type hint to the Documentor constructor #446 (JeroenDeDauw)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Person provider (joined names) #445 (aivus)
- Added English (en_GB)
methods #438 (daveblake) - Added Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) Realtext provider #434 (tzhuan)
- Fixed first name in Spanish for Argentina (es_AR) Person provider #433 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Canadian (en_CA) state abbreviation for Nunavut #430 (julien-c)
- Added CakePHP ORM entity populator #428 (jadb)
- Added Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) locale #427 (tzhuan)
- Fixed typo in Doctrine Populator phpDoc #425 (ihsanudin)
- Added Chinese (zh_CN) Internet provider #424 (Lisso-Me)
- Added Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code to the Miscellaneous provider#422 (gido)
- Added English (en_GB) Person provider #421 (AlexCutts)
- Added missing tests for the Color Provider #420 (bessl)
- Added Nepali (ne_NP) locale #419 (ankitpokhrel)
- Fixed latitude and longitude formatters bug (numeric value out of range for 32bits) #416 (fzaninotto)
- Added a dedicated calculator Luhn calculator service #414 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Person provider (removed lowercase duplications) #413 (Ragazzo)
- Fixed barcode formatter (improved speed, added tests) #412 (fzaninotto)
- Added ipv4 and barcode formatters tests #410 (bessl)
- Fixed typos in various comments blocks #409 (bessl)
- Fixed InternetTest (replaced regex with PHP filter) #406 (bessl)
- Added password formatter to the Internet provider#402 (fzaninotto)
- Added Company and Internet Austrian (de_AT) Providers #400 (bessl)
- Added third-party libraries section in README #399 (fzaninotto)
- Added Spanish for Venezuela (es_VE) locale #398 (DIOHz0r)
- Added PhoneNumber Autrian (de_AT) Provider, and missing test for the 'locale' method. #395 (bessl)
- Removed wrongly localized Lorem provider #394 (fzaninotto)
- Fixed Miscellaneous provider (made the
formatter static) #390 (bessl) - Added a unit test file for the Miscellaneous Provider #389 (bessl)
- Added warning in README about using `rand()`` and the seed functions #386 (paulvalla)
- Fixed French (fr_FR) Person provider (Uppercased a first name) #385 (netcarver)
- Added Russian (ru_RU) and Ukrainian (uk_UA) Text providers #383 (terion-name)
- Added more street prefixes to French (fr_FR) Address provider #381 (ronanguilloux)
- Added PHP 5.6 to CI targets #378 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixed spaces remaining at the end of liine in various files #377 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixed UserAgent provider (added space before processor on linux platform) #374 (TomK)
- Added Company generator for Russian (ru_RU) locale #371 (kix)
- Fixed Russian (ru_RU) Color provider (uppercase letters) #370 (semanser)
- Added more Polish (pl_PL) phone numbers #369 (piotrantosik)
- Fixed Ruby Faker link in readme #368 (philsturgeon)
- Added more Japanese (ja_JP) names in Person provider #366 (kumamidori)
- Added Slovenian (sl_SL) locale #363 (alesf)
- Fixed German (de_DE) Person provider (first names) #362 (mikehaertl)
- Fixed Ukrainian (uk_UA) Person providr (there is no such letter "ы" in Ukrainian) #359 (nazar-pc)
- Fixed Chinese (zh_CN) PhoneNumber provider (the length of mobile phone number is 11) #358 (byan)
- Added Arabic (ar_\JO) Locale #357 (zrashwani)
- Fixed Czech (cs_CZ) Person provider (missing lowercase in last name) #355 (halaxa)
- Fixed French for Belgium (fr_BE) Address Provider (doubled city names) #354 (miclf)
- Added Biased Integer Provider #332 (TimWolla)
- Added Swedish (sv_SE) locale #316 (ulrikjohansson)
- Added English for New Zealand (en_NZ) locale #283 (JasonMortonNZ)
- Added mention of external Provider for cron expressions to readme#498 (swekaj)