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Releases: garden-io/garden


19 Jul 11:08
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Garden 0.13.35 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.35 (2024-07-19)


  • container: first-class BuildKit secrets support (#6294) (9e1ac291b)
  • kubernetes: plugin command to remove garden-util resources (#6278) (4f8a2d6d2)

Bug Fixes

  • retain original process env when call spawn helper (#6301) (593b3e426)
  • examples: mention in READMEs that build deps need to be set (#6280) (cdbd6bd46)
  • exec: remove duplicate logging (#6298) (02ef1766f)
  • template: resolve disabled action flag before duplicate action names validation (#6293) (fa3da74b1)
  • template: use stricter context for disabled flag resolution (#6295) (e8e0b8638)

Bundled Tool Version Updates


Fixed Issues


09 Jul 10:59
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Garden 0.13.34 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements.

Many thanks to @to266 for the contributions to this release!

Important changes

Starting from version 0.13.34, Garden uses the new sync daemon.

It means that the default value of the GARDEN_ENABLE_NEW_SYNC environment variable is true now.
If you need to use the old sync daemon, set GARDEN_ENABLE_NEW_SYNC=false.

If you use sync mode, you need to stop all sync daemons and redeploy your application in sync mode by running

GARDEN_ENABLE_NEW_SYNC=false garden util mutagen daemon stop
garden deploy --sync

from the project root directory.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.34 (2024-07-09)


Bug Fixes

  • print action version in logs while status check (#6257) (42e046ba1)
  • cloudbuilder: add error handling to fallback to cli install of buildx builder (#6258) (6f4b120ce)
  • git: use consistent cache keys for paths with symlinks (#6262) (e6112bc4d)
  • kubernetes-plugin: sanitize volumes configuration for helm and kubernetes type pod runners (#6251) (0a12df4bb)
  • pulumi: include build deps in plugin commands (#6260) (1e5c1df23)

Bundled Tool Version Updates


Fixed Issues


27 Jun 08:02
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Garden 0.13.33 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.33 (2024-06-27)

Bug Fixes

  • pulumi: fix dependency resolution when --skip-dependencies is on (#6229) (ece011965)
  • pulumi: respect --skip-dependencies flag in preview command (#6226) (f12c8ab80)
  • template: allow partially resolved vars in arithmetic expressions (#6228) (8d85a1a32)

Fixed Issues


25 Jun 10:00
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Garden 0.13.32 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements.

Many thanks to @alex-kattathra-johnson and @ManAnRuck for their contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.32 (2024-06-25)


Bug Fixes

Bundled Tool Version Updates


Fixed Issues


03 Jun 15:08
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Garden 0.13.31 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements, performance optimizations, and version updates for some bundled tools.

Many thanks to @ManAnRuck for the contributions to this release!

Notable Changes

Partial Module Resolution

In #6002 we implemented a feature flag to allow partial module resolution for build, deploy, test and run commands.
The feature is available when 2 conditions hold:

  • the corresponding feature flag is enabled: GARDEN_ENABLE_PARTIAL_RESOLUTION=true
  • Garden build, deploy, test or run command is executed with explicitly defined action names


GARDEN_ENABLE_PARTIAL_RESOLUTION=true garden deploy backend

Please note, that if you have module-based configs, then the Test action names will have synthetic names in the form of ${moduleName}-${testName}.

You can always get the list of all actions by running the command:

garden get actions

or, by using one of the action kind-specific convenience commands:

garden get builds
garden get deploys
garden get runs
garden get tests

Windows: Current directory not added to PATH implicitly anymore

Since Garden 0.13.31 we export the environment variable NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath when spawning child processes on Windows. This prevents child processes from implicitly considering the current directory as part of the PATH.

This prevents an issue with tools written in Go. Since Go 1.19 the os/exec module errors unless the PATH resolution results in an absolute path for improved security. See also

We export NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath to make sure Garden behaviour on Windows is consistent with other platforms, like MacOS and Linux, where the current directory is not implicitly considered as part of the PATH.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.31 (2024-06-03)


  • allow custom args in kubectl apply for kubernetes deployments (#6107) (85ab8e263)
  • images: add multi-platform images for garden deployed services (#6072) (76fa956d0)
  • template: add date template helper functions (#5997) (39d239661)

Bug Fixes

  • garden publish command to respect publishId (#6052) (e30ab0ba5)
  • actions: return all outputs of an action as a json string (#6067) (7c60c6b1b)
  • commands: use statusOnly provider resolution for several read-only commands (#6063) (c6bc3d788)
  • core: issue with partial module resolution and module templates (#6073) (78f4d35e1)
  • docs: actualize cloud secrets update command description (#6104) (daec250b1)
  • images: download tools with correct TARGETARCH for multi-platform images (#6079) (5a216f9ec)
  • k8s: prevent exec auth script errors on Windows (#6120) (066798720)
  • modules: another fix for the experimental partial module resolution (#6105) (974de64be)
  • provider: allow initialising providers without write ops for validation command (#6051) (2321ae8d6)
  • secrets: skip already existing secrets while creating (#6099) (65ceb7c0d)
  • terraform: prevent deadlock by consuming stdout (#6037) (3640b4edd)

Bundled Tool Version Updates


Performance Improvements

  • cli: avoid unnecessary module resolution when filtering by name (#6002) (86c885f42)
  • cli: improve cli startup performance using v8 cache (#6049) (7d8034b3b)

Fixed Issues


08 May 06:24
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Garden 0.13.30 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes, features, and improvements.

Many thanks to @ManAnRuck for the contributions to this release!


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.13.30 (2024-05-08)


Bug Fixes


Fixed Issues


02 May 15:30
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Garden 0.12.71 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that fixes the JDK 17 download urls in the jib-container plugin.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.12.71 (2024-05-02)

Bug Fixes


26 Apr 09:12
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Garden 0.12.70 is out! 🎉

This is a patch release that enables JDK 21 support for jib-container plugin.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.12.70 (2024-04-26)

Bug Fixes

  • jib: allow the usage of the JDK 21 (90e381d3d)


25 Apr 13:04
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Garden 0.12.69 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that adds JDK 21 LTS version support to the jib-container plugin.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it installed.


0.12.69 (2024-04-25)


  • jib: support JDK 21 LTS version (e1e175378)
  • jib: update JDK 17 LTS version to 17.0.9+9 (3f4a9fcd4)


12 Apr 13:04
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Garden 0.12.68 is out! 🎉

This is a maintenance release that updates Docker shipped with garden tools.


Download the Garden binary for your platform from below or simply run garden self-update if you already have it


0.12.68 (2024-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • docker: update docker shipped with garden tools (caa83baae)
  • mavend: fix Mavend sha256 hash for windows-amd64 binary (f64ec4e8f)
  • terraform: fix sha256 hashes for some old terraform binaries (9a9df415d)