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Eric edited this page Jan 18, 2025 · 122 revisions

App is the core of the application. It can hold multi stages, windows, popups and an overlay per stage.


App by default extend

  Uxi, Overlay, Touch;

And require

 Object, OML, Templater, Controller, Display

Note that if you use a release build ogx.min.js, you do not have to worry about including any other file (but the css).

OGX.App requires a configuration file app.json that must exist in the www folder of your project. If you are using the CLI, the file is automatically created when initialiazing the project by doing ogx init. Otherwise, create that file by hand, here is the skeleton



Here are the available options when creating an app

      encrypted: bool,
      exportable: bool,
      max_render_time: int,
      max_depth: int,
      disable_context: bool,
      unique: bool,
      exit: bool,
      splash: ... see splash

Splash 1.31.0+

If you desire to display a loading screen or splash screen, enable the splash and setup the parameters

      splash: {
           enabled : true,
           color: _STRING_,
           image: _STRING_,
           auto_hide: _BOOL_,
           hide_timeout: _INT_

If you are setting auto_hide : false, you can later on call app.splash.hide(); to manually hide the splash screen


You can prevent the app from exiting or reloading by setting false to exit

 exit: false


If you have encrypted app.json via the CLI, you need to set a ogx_key cookie with your encryption key as value. The cookie will be detected and deleted and app.json will be decrypted. Note that this is only relevant in a web environment.

 let app = new OGX.App({encrypted:true, ...});  

To create an app without encryption

 let app = new OGX.App();

Async fetch encrypted key 1.40.0+

You can also pass a promise that retrieves then passes the encryption key once resolved

 const app = new OGX.App({encrypted: () => {
      return new Promise(function(success, error){
          //do async call then return key

Exportable 1.25.0+

If set to true, the OML tree can be exported starting from any node, if set to false, to export possible.

 let app = new OGX.App({exportable: false, ...});


The rendering of an OML tree is automatically halted if it exceeds max_render_time and defaults to 300ms. You can override this value by passing a new value when creating the app, which can be useful for debugging purposes

 let app = new OGX.App({max_render_time: 400, ...});  

Disable Context

Context menu upon right click can be disabled by setting disable_context

 let app = new OGX.App({disable_context: true, ...});  

Unique 1.25.0+

To prevent the app from running in another tab

 let app = new OGX.App({unique: true, ...});  

You can also pass a callback if you want to check the result of the uniqueness

 let app = new OGX.App({unique: (__bool) => {
      //true => is unique
      //false => another instance is already running
 } );  


The routing for the entire application must be defined in this file. To learn more about the routing system, out the page dedicated to this.

To prevent any navigation including the use of the back button, you can lock (and unlock) the core by doing

 app.isLocked(); //Returns true or false

Default options


To navigate to another route

 app.goto(_URL_, _OPTIONS_);


 app.goto('stage/welcome', {history:true, data:user});

To get the current URL. Returns the URL of the stage in use.



The stages to be added to your app upon start. For instance, if your app is going to have one stage that you have named stage1, and will be using the Stage object Stage1 and the HTML template Stage, then your configuration will look like this

               "template": "Stage",                    
               "placeholder": "#view",
               "scope": "public", 
               "theater": false

You can also use a stage without a template, in this case, the placeholder must be set to default

               "placeholder": "default"


To load and store your HTML templates into the core, add them to the configuration file, such as


Note that templates must be placed in the www/html/templates folder.


Sounds have their on page, go here


You can also preload JSON data by including a path and file names in the config. The path is relative to the root (www) folder.

       }, ...

Then access the data directly



An array of available scope for the entire application. If your application doesn't handle multiple types of users with different permissions, leave it to ["public"]

The general rule for scope is that, if it is defined as array for a node, the end user must have at least one of the expected scope to see this node. If the scope of the node is declared as string, then the scope must be exact.

Strict scope example (must have all)

      "scope":"admin manager"

Using scope expressions


Loose scope example (must have as least one), deprecated

      "scope":["admin", "manager"]

JWT mode

If your app supports multiple user types and you use JWT tokens, you can change the scope of the app by passing the token and the issuer to OGX.Scope

 OGX.Scope.token(JWT_TOKEN, ISSUER);

Once verified, the scope is inherited from the value of the scope property of the token. To retrieve the current scope, do


To bind JWT tokens' scope to OGX.Scope, set the jwt flag to true in app.json.

No JWT mode

If you set the jwt flag to false in app.json, then you can manually set the current scope by using


such as

 OGX.Scope.scope(['user', 'support']);


 let app = new OGX.App();

Methods & Shortcuts

This object also brings some shortcuts to creating, removing object and other time savers.

Check if app is running on iOS device



Add a stage to the app


Remove that stage from the app


Note that if you declare your stages in the app.json config, you do not need to add stages by code, but know that the methods are available

Use another stage (to add/remove views for instance)


Snooze a stage (all views, windows of this stage)


Wake a stage (all views, windows of this stage)


Show a stage (and hide the current one if any)

 app.showStage(_STAGE_NAME_, _ANIMATION_);

Supported animations are swap, flip, slide, shuffle

Add a view to the stage in use


Remove a view from the stage in use



Find a Window


Get all Windows


Check if a Window exists


Add a Window (on current Stage)


Check if a Window is open


Find and show a Window

 app.showWindow(__id, __anim, __cb, __params);

Find and hide a Window

 app.hideWindow(__id, __anim, __cb, __params);

Swap the depth between 2 Windows

 app.swapWindows(__winA_id, __winB_id);

Find and sleep a Window


Find and blur a Window


Find and focus a Window


Find and remove a Window


Find and remove multiple windows


Find and remove all window, parameter is optional


Find the Window given an Object/Class in it


Check if a Window exists



Add a Popup to current Stage


Find and remove Popup


Find a Popup


Get visible Popups, return array


Check if a Popup exists


Find the Popup given an Object/Class in it



Add Overlay on current Stage


Remove Overlay from current Stage



OGX.JS supports themes (light & dark). In order to use this features, themes must be set this way in your index file

 <!--framework themes-->
 <link href="themes/io-globules-ogx/base/css/theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
 <link href="themes/io-globules-ogx/light/css/theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" type="text/css" data="light">
 <link href="themes/io-globules-ogx/dark/css/theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="(prefers-color-scheme: no-preference), (prefers-color-scheme: dark)" type="text/css" data="dark">
 <!-- user themes-->
 <link href="css/themes/light.css" rel="stylesheet" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" type="text/css" data="light">
 <link href="css/themes/dark.css" rel="stylesheet" media="(prefers-color-scheme: no-preference), (prefers-color-scheme: dark)" type="text/css" data="dark">

Note that each link node has a data attribute set to the preferred color scheme, which is used to override the OS/Browser theme.

To check if dark mode is on


To toggle between dark/light modes/themes



Get a loaded json file from the cache


Get a loaded oml file from the cache



Move a Uxi from one parent Uxi to the other

 app.moveNode(_UXI_, _NEW_PARENT_UXI_, _SELECTOR_);

Hard delete a node from the framework 1.28.0+

 app.dropNode(_TYPE_, _NAME_);

Note that only Stages and Views are supported

Hot Reload 1.25.0+

You can live reload HTML and CSS documents (/bin /views /stages only) when using the dev version of OGX.JS


Manifest Version 1.31.0+

Fetch the manifest version

 app.version((__version) => { console.log(__version); });

Extending App 1.37.0+

OGX.JS Core class can be extended to fit your needs. Consider a custom Core class

 require('CustomClass', 'Core');
 OGX.CustomClass = function(__config){
      construct(this, 'CustomClass');
      'use strict'

Then when creating the app, use

 let app =  new OGX.App({core: 'CustomClass', ..});

Reserved Keywords

OGX.JS has some reserved keywords out of the OGX namespace, that one should not attempt to overwrite.

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