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Eric edited this page Sep 29, 2024 · 41 revisions

OGX.Data is a static helper class to manipulate, convert data. There is no need to create an instance of this class.


 OGX.Data.merge(__master, __slave, __overwrite, __copy, __strict);
 OGX.Data.weld(__master, __slave, __overwrite, __copy);
 OGX.Data.diff(__master, __slave, __strict);
 OGX.Data.adiff(__arrayA, __arrayB);
 OGX.Data.same(__objectA, __objectB, __deep);
 OGX.Data.intersect(__arrA, __arrB);
 OGX.Data.props(__obj, __array);
 OGX.Data.pad(__n, __length, __direction, __string);
 OGX.Data.dateToLocale(__date|__string, __options);
 OGX.Data.getBestSize(__dimension, __value);     
 OGX.Data.eval(__obj, __prop, __val);


The merge method merges two objects into one, by appending to the master object the slave's properties . If the __override flag is set to true and the same properties are found in both objects, the slave's properties/values will override the master's. The __copy flag, if set to true, returns a copy of the master object, leaving the master object untouched. If the __strict flag is set to true, only existing properties of the master slave will be updated.

 let new_object = OGX.Data.merge(objectA, objectB, true, true, false);

Note that merge will only consider a single level/depth of properties. For deep merging, use the weld method.


Similar to merge but with deep update as merge only supports a single depth. The weld method does not support the __strict flag.

 let new_object = OGX.Data.weld(objectA, objectB, true, true);

diff 1.9.5+

Retrieve an object composed of the values that are different between a master and a slave object

let diff = OGX.Data.diff(objectA, objectB, true);

Intersect 1.38.2+

Retrieves intersection from 2 array. Note that this only supports simple arrays, not arrays of objects

let inter = OGX.Data.intersect([1,2,3], [1,4,5]);

Trim 1.40.0+

Recursively trims all values of type string, of all properties of a object, recursively. Array supported.

let o = {first_name:'  Some ', last_name:' Guy', children:[{first_name:' Mike', last_name:' Whaterver ', children: ...}, {...}]}

//{first_name:'Some', last_name:'Guy', children:[{first_name:'Mike', last_name:'Whaterver', children: ...}, {...}]}


Use this method to check if an object has the required properties. Returns true or false.

 let bool = OGX.Data.props(objectA, ['age', 'gender', 'weight']);


A deep cloning method, shortcut to stringify/parse via JSON.

  let new_object = OGX.Data.clone(objectA);


Test if a variable is a float

 const bool =  OGX.Data.isFloat(myvar);


Test if a variable is an integer

 const bool =  OGX.Data.isInt(myvar);

isSizeExp 1.29.0+

Test if a variable is a size expression

const bool = OGX.Data.isSizeExp(myvar);

toSizeExp 1.29.0+

Converts a dimension to a size expression, min and max are optional

const exp = OGX.Data.toSizeExp(myvar, min, max);


Convert a number to a string then pads up to 2 decimals

 console.log(OGX.Data.addDec(654)); // '654.00'


Pad a string with a given character until a certain overall length is reached

 console.log(OGX.Data.pad('654', 5, -1, '0'); // '00654'
 console.log(OGX.Data.pad('654', 5, 1, '0'); // '65400'


Auto convert a string to appropriate type.

 let val = OGX.Data.stringToVal(__string);

 OGX.Data.stringToVal('true'); //return true
 OGX.Data.stringToVal('false'); //return false
 OGX.Data.stringToVal('1'); //return 1  


Converts a date or a parse-ale string into a locale date as string

let str = OGX.dateToLocale('2021-02-28', {options});
//"Sunday, February 28, 2021"

Options by default are { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }


Computes the most appropriate size given a screen dimension and a size expression. For more information about Size Expressions, visit the dedicated page.

 let size = OGX.Data.getBestSize(1100, '100px|300|500|70%|100%+');

 let size = OGX.Data.getBestSize(1100, '100px|300|500|70%|100%-');

Note that size expressions are supported by Window and Popup


Compares two objects for complete similarities and returns true or false. Set the last parameter to true if you want to deep compare all properties

 OGX.Data.same({whatever:true}, {whatever:100}, false);  //false


Sets or returns the value of the property of an object, when the property is a path to a property

 OGX.Data.eval({id:'123', geo:{zip:'A1A 1A1'}}, ''); //returns 'A1A 1A1'
 OGX.Data.eval({id:'123', geo:{zip:'A1A 1A1'}}, '', 'Z9Z 9Z9'); //sets to 'Z9Z 9Z9'


Copy to clipboard given string

OGX.Data.clipboard('my copied text');

get2DTransform 1.42.0+

Retrieves the current 2D transformation from DOMMatrix as an object {x: int, y: int, r: number}

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