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PostAlignment Visualization
#2-iii. Alignment Visualization Before we can view our alignments in the IGV browser we need to index our BAM files. We will use samtools index for this purpose.
export RNA_ALIGN_DIR=$RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/
First lets display the samtools index commands to be run (i.e. 'echo' the command that will be executed by unix find). You could copy and paste these commands to run them, or repeat the find command without the 'echo' as below
find $RNA_ALIGN_DIR*/accepted_hits.bam -exec echo samtools index {} \;
Now run the index commands
find $RNA_ALIGN_DIR*/accepted_hits.bam -exec samtools index {} \;
###OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE - Index STAR BAM files Create comparable files for the STAR alignments
export STAR_ALIGN_DIR=$RNA_HOME/alignments/star/
find $STAR_ALIGN_DIR*/Aligned.out.sorted.bam -exec samtools index {} \;
###OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE - Index HISAT2 BAM files Create comparable files for the HISAT2 alignments
export HISAT2_ALIGN_DIR=$RNA_HOME/alignments/hisat2/
find $HISAT2_ALIGN_DIR*/Aligned.out.sorted.bam -exec samtools index {} \;
##Visualize alignments Start IGV on your laptop. Load the UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL & HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL BAM files (accepted_hits.bam) in IGV. You can load the necessary files in IGV directly from your web accessible amazon workspace (see below) using 'File' -> 'Load from URL'. You may wish to customize the track names as you load them in to keep them straight. Do this by right-clicking on the alignment track and choosing 'Rename Track'. Note, you must replace '##' with your own amazon instance number (e.g., "##")).
UHR Tophat alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/tophat/UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL/accepted_hits.bam
HBR Tophat alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/tophat/HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL/accepted_hits.bam
Go to an example gene locus on chr22:
- e.g. EIF3L, NDUFA6, and RBX1 have nice coverage
- e.g. SULT4A1 and GTSE1 are differentially expressed. Are they up-regulated or down-regulated in the brain (HBR) compared to cancer cell lines (UHR)?
- Mouse over some reads and use the read group (RG) flag to determine which replicate the reads come from. What other details can you learn about each read and its alignment to the reference genome.
###OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE - view STAR alignments in IGV Now load the STAR alignments. How do the STAR and TopHat alignments compare?
UHR STAR alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/star/UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL/Aligned.out.sorted.bam
HBR STAR alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/star/HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL/Aligned.out.sorted.bam
###OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE - view HISAT2 alignments in IGV
UHR HISAT2 alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/hisat2/UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL/Aligned.out.sorted.bam
HBR HISAT2 alignment http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/workspace/rnaseq/alignments/hisat2/HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL/Aligned.out.sorted.bam
Try to find a variant position in the RNAseq data:
- HINT: DDX17 is a highly expressed gene with several variants in its 3 prime UTR.
- Other highly expressed genes you might explore are: NUP50, CYB5R3, and EIF3L (all have at least one transcribed variant).
- Are these variants previously known (e.g., present in dbSNP)?
- How should we interpret the allele frequency of each variant? Remember that we have rather unusual samples here in that they are actually pooled RNAs corresponding to multiple individuals (genotypes).
- Take note of the genomic position of your variant. We will need this later.
##BAM Read Counting
Using one of the variant positions identified above, count the number of supporting reference and variant reads.
First, use samtools mpileup
to visualize a region of alignment with a variant.
mkdir bam_readcount
cd bam_readcount
Create list of bam files to process.
find $RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/*_ALL/accepted_hits.bam > bamfilelist.txt
Create faidx indexed reference sequence file for use with mpileup
samtools faidx $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa
Run samtools mpileup
on a region of interest
samtools mpileup -b bamfilelist.txt -f $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa -r 22:18905970-18905980
Each line consists of chromosome, 1-based coordinate, reference base, the number of reads covering the site, read bases and base qualities. At the read base column, a dot stands for a match to the reference base on the forward strand, a comma for a match on the reverse strand, ACGTN
for a mismatch on the forward strand and acgtn
for a mismatch on the reverse strand. A pattern \+[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+
indicates there is an insertion between this reference position and the next reference position. The length of the insertion is given by the integer in the pattern, followed by the inserted sequence. See samtools pileup/mpileup documentation for more explanation of the output:
Now, use bam-readcount
to count reference and variant bases at a specific position.
First, create a bed file with some positions of interest (we will create a file called snvs.bed using the echo command).
It will contain a single line specifying a variant position on chr22 e.g.:
22 38879688 38879688
Create the bed file
echo "22 38879688 38879688"
echo "22 38879688 38879688" > snvs.bed
Run bam-readcount
on this list for the tumor and normal merged bam files
bam-readcount -l snvs.bed -f $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa $RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL/accepted_hits.bam 2>/dev/null
bam-readcount -l snvs.bed -f $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa $RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL/accepted_hits.bam 2>/dev/null
Now, run again, but ignore stderr and redirect stdout to a file:
bam-readcount -l snvs.bed -f $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa $RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/UHR_ERCC-Mix1_ALL/accepted_hits.bam 2>/dev/null 1>UHR_bam-readcounts.txt
bam-readcount -l snvs.bed -f $RNA_HOME/refs/hg19/fasta/chr22_ERCC92/chr22_ERCC92.fa $RNA_HOME/alignments/tophat/HBR_ERCC-Mix2_ALL/accepted_hits.bam 2>/dev/null 1>HBR_bam-readcounts.txt
From this output you could parse the read counts for each base
cat UHR_bam-readcounts.txt | perl -ne '@data=split("\t", $_); @Adata=split(":", $data[5]); @Cdata=split(":", $data[6]); @Gdata=split(":", $data[7]); @Tdata=split(":", $data[8]); print "UHR Counts\t$data[0]\t$data[1]\tA: $Adata[1]\tC: $Cdata[1]\tT: $Tdata[1]\tG: $Gdata[1]\n";'
cat HBR_bam-readcounts.txt | perl -ne '@data=split("\t", $_); @Adata=split(":", $data[5]); @Cdata=split(":", $data[6]); @Gdata=split(":", $data[7]); @Tdata=split(":", $data[8]); print "HBR Counts\t$data[0]\t$data[1]\tA: $Adata[1]\tC: $Cdata[1]\tT: $Tdata[1]\tG: $Gdata[1]\n";'
| Previous Section | This Section | Next Section | |:---------------------------------:|:---------------------------------------------:|:---------------------------------:| | IGV | Alignment Visualization | Alignment QC |
##Note: The current version of this tutorial is now at www.rnaseq.wiki
Table of Contents
Module 0: Authors | Citation | Syntax | Intro to AWS | Log into AWS | Unix | Environment | Resources
Module 1: Installation | Reference Genomes | Annotations | Indexing | Data | Data QC
Module 2: Adapter Trim | Alignment | IGV | Alignment Visualization | Alignment QC
Module 3: Expression | Differential Expression | DE Visualization
Module 4: Ref Guided | De novo | Merging | Differential Splicing | Splicing Visualization
Module 5: Kallisto
Appendix: Abbreviations | Lectures | Practical Exercise Solutions | Integrated Assignment | Proposed Improvements | AWS Setup