- OpenCV (installation instructions)
- ZBar (installation instructions)
- WiringPi (installation instructions)
- Only required if utilizing a piezzo buzzer/speaker when scanning QR codes
- Make sure you're using the correct version for your RPi (requires 2.52 for RPi 4)
- LibCurl Dev (sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev)
- Edit the following line within the main function in casino-royale.cpp:
char HandRanksLoc[] = "/home/pi/20_casino_royale/TwoPlusTwoHandEvaluator/HandRanks.dat";
- Simply substitute the section "/home/pi/" section with the directory the repo is stored in (starting from root)
- Run the Makefile in the root of the repository ("make" on command-line)
- HandRanks.dat isn't tracked as it is >100MB
- A 2011 i7 Macbook Pro takes ~30s to generate the table
- A Raspberry Pi 4 takes ~100s to generate teh table
TwoPlusTwoEvaluator: Allowed for the odds calculations to be possible