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hamar edited this page Nov 17, 2011 · 1 revision

9 Monitoring System

9.1 Monitoring System

Generates graphs according to the client specifications and data.

System -> System Monitoring

The following plots can be displayed:

- Accounting
  - DataStore
  - ReportGenerator
- Configuration
  - Configuration
  - CE2CSAgent
  - UsersAndGroups
- Datamanagement
  - Services
  - Agents
- Framework
  - BundleDelivery
  - ProxyManager
  - Notification
  - Plotting
  - SecurityLogging
- Production Management
  - ProductionManager
  - Production Request
- Request Management
  - RequestManager
- Resource Status
  - ResourceStatus
- Storage Management
  - StorageManager
- Transformation
  - TransformationManager
- Workload Management
  - JobManager
  - JobMonitoring
  - JobStateUpdate
  - Matcher
  - SandboxStore
  - WMSAdministrator
- Manage Views
- Manage Activities

Generate some plots using as parameter last month.

9.2 Plots

Plotting Service generates graphs according to the client specifications and data.

System -> Accounting -> Plots

The options available are:

  • Data Operation plots
  • Job plots
  • WMS history plots
  • Pilot Plots
  • SRM space token deployment plots

Generate a plot of pilots run the last month.

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