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User Management

hamar edited this page Nov 17, 2011 · 1 revision

1. Users Management

As administrators normal task consists to manage users, groups and authorize host to use DIRAC services. Those tasks can be done editing the configuration file, using DIRAC admin commands or using DIRAC portal.

1.1 Adding users

1.1.1 Using command line:


Where the options are::

  -N:  --UserName:       : Short Name of the User (Mandatory)
  -D:  --UserDN:         : DN of the User Certificate (Mandatory)
  -M:  --UserMail:       : eMail of the user (Mandatory)
  -G:  --UserGroup:      : Name of the Group for the User (Allow Multiple instances or None)

For example:

   dirac-admin-add-user -N vhamar -D "/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar" -M -G dirac_user

In this case a new user is added with login vhamar to dirac_user group

1.1.2 Using web portal

Open DIRAC Web Portal using dirac_admin group and go to:

System -> Configuration -> Manage remote configuration

After the page is loaded, in the configuration showed in the browser right side look for:

Registry -> Users and using the right button select "Create a subsection"

The system is going to ask for the name of subsection in this case is going to be the user login


Below you have to create the following options:

Email =

Once the user is created must be added to groups:

Registry -> Groups -> <group_name>

In users using the right button: "Change option value", is going to appear a list on the right side of the screen where the user must be added and press the button "submit".

Note: Remember to commit the new configuration using the link than appears in the left side of the portal: "Commit Configuration"

1.2 Modifying Users

1.2.1 Using command line

The command than can be used to modify users is showed in the next line:

dirac-admin-modify-user [option|cfgfile] ... user DN group [group] ...
user: User name DN: DN of the User group: Add the user to the group -p: --property= : Add property to the user <name>=<value>

For example: Add the CN as an user property.:

dirac-admin-modify-user vhamar "/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar" -p CN=/C=FR/O=CNRS/CN=GRID2-FR

1.2.2 Using DIRAC Web Portal

Using DIRAC Web Portal a new option can be added to the user:

Registry -> Users -> <user_login>

Using the mouse right button add a new option the values must be introduced.

1.3 Removing users

1.3.1 Using Command line

The command used to remove a user is:

dirac-admin-delete-user option|cfgfile] ... user DN group [group] ...

The arguments than can be passed are:

user: User name DN: DN of the User group: Add the user to the group

For example:

dirac-admin-delete-user vhamar

1.3.2 Using DIRAC Web Portal

Looking for the user in:

Registry -> Users -> <user_login>

With the right mouse button select "Delete Section"

After, the user should be removed from all groups than he/she belongs. Select

Registry -> Groups -> <group_name>

Select with the mouse the option change option value for users option. It will appears a right side panel with the users list remove the login of the user and press submit. This procedure must be done for each group.

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