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haplokuon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 1 revision

DimensionStyleTolerancesDisplayMethod Enumeration

netDxf 3.0.0 Library

Defines the method for calculating the tolerance.


Namespace: netDxf.Tables
Assembly: netDxf (in netDxf.dll) Version: 3.0.0


public enum DimensionStyleTolerancesDisplayMethod


Public Enumeration DimensionStyleTolerancesDisplayMethod


public enum class DimensionStyleTolerancesDisplayMethod


type DimensionStyleTolerancesDisplayMethod


The Basic method for displaying tolerances in dimensions is not available, use a negative number for the TextOffset of the dimension style. The result is exactly the same.


None 0 Does not add a tolerance.
Symmetrical 1 Adds a plus/minus expression of tolerance in which a single value of variation is applied to the dimension measurement.
Deviation 2 Adds a plus/minus tolerance expression. Different plus and minus values of variation are applied to the dimension measurement.
Limits 3 Creates a limit dimension. A maximum and a minimum value are displayed, one over the other.

See Also


netDxf.Tables Namespace

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