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haplokuon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 1 revision

DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement Enumeration

netDxf 3.0.0 Library

Controls the vertical placement of dimension text in relation to the dimension line.


Namespace: netDxf.Tables
Assembly: netDxf (in netDxf.dll) Version: 3.0.0


public enum DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement


Public Enumeration DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement


public enum class DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement


type DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement


Centered 0 Centers the dimension text along the dimension line between the extension lines.
AtExtLines1 1 Left-justifies the text with the first extension line along the dimension line.
AtExtLine2 2 Right-justifies the text with the second extension line along the dimension line.
OverExtLine1 3 Positions the text over or along the first extension line.
OverExtLine2 4 Positions the text over or along the second extension line.

See Also


netDxf.Tables Namespace

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