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Fonts and DiColors

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@headassbtw headassbtw released this 12 May 00:03
· 15 commits to master since this release

CustomMenuText v3.3.0

multiple custom fonts
(with hot reloading)
DiColors support
(with <DiColor1> and <DiColor2> tags)

i rewrote a lot of things in this update, including the way fonts are loaded, such that with this new update, if you have a custom font, and the unity project (, put the resulting file into \UserData\CustomMenuText\Fonts and you can toggle between it and 3 other built-in fonts on the fly! (make sure to rename the resulting file from the project to the name of the font)

DiColors support is a lot more robust, and Shouldn't:tm: break, and has support for specifying your colors in the text file via <DiColor1> and <DiColor2>
