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About the HMRC design language

Gavin Wye edited this page Jan 19, 2017 · 1 revision

The HMRC design language will help designers, user researchers and developers design and build more consistent services across HMRC and the rest of government

Stages of the project


During discovery, we found that there is a lot of unintentional inconsistency throughout the digital services that HMRC had delivered. It's hard for designers and developers to build consistent services because of the wealth of places there are for them to look for design patterns and research related to these patterns.

We identified 16 user needs during discovery.


During alpha, we intend to produce a prototype design language. We'll test this with our users and refine in preparation for beta.

We hope the existence of this design language will make it easier for HMRC to build consistent service so that our users can understand the services that we are offering them.

We'll be designing solutions around the 13 user needs and related hypotheses that we deem to be in-scope for alpha.

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