I am a full-time software developer, and I also do programming as a hobby.
I often work on game-related projects, especially projects using the Godot Engine.
DialogueQuest is a Dialogue system for Godot, which makes it easy to create portrayals of characters speaking, thinking, etc.
DialogueQuest has a focus on user experience, as well as documentation for both users and developers.
It features up-to-date manuals on how to use the program from both a dialogue writer perspective, as well as a developer-using-the-plugin perspective.
One of the main features of DialogueQuest is the additional software that goes along with it:
DialogueQuestTester is a standalone app that allows running DialogueQuest files without having to use it in a Godot project.
This means that designers / writers can write dialogue directly, instead of having to offload it to a programmer for implementation.
Easyboard is a standalone project planning / mind mapping software made in Godot.
Easyboard can be downloaded via these links:
PyIntercom is an AI assistant written in Python.
It has features such as:
- Speech Recognition
- LLM AI support (ChatGPT/Gemini)
- Programmable with custom commands
- Built-in networking
- Multi-language by design
PineyEvent is a very lightweight and simple signal/event library for Python
Moka is a collection of C++ tools, such as:
- A 3D renderer
- An ECS system
- A Logger
- And more!