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DialogueQuest - The friendly dialogue system


What is DialogueQuest?

DialogueQuest is a dialogue system (shocker!) for the Godot 4 game engine, that is designed with a few core principles:

  • Collaboration - DialogueQuest is made with the vision of decoupling coders from scriptwriters.
  • Simplicity - DialogueQuest does not try to be anything more than it needs to be. It is simple at it's core, and easy to extend upon.
  • Stability - DialogueQuest keeps a limited scope in order to stay managable.
  • Intuitivity - DialogueQuest attempts to be easy to grasp and pick up quickly.
  • Documentation - DialogueQuest keeps a complete and always up to date user manual and developer manual.

What do I do??

Refer to the User Manual and Developer Manual.

The manuals cover everything from installation, to writing dialogue, and even extending the plugin to add your own functionality!

DialogueQuest for non-coders

DialogueQuest features a standalone program called DialogueQuestTester that allows running dialogues without a Godot environment.

This is a core "feature" of DialogueQuest and the app will continuously be updated and improved to match DialogueQuest.

Planned Features


Contributing, suggestions, and bug reports
