- Ensure it's safe to call Entity.repr on non added entity (@emontnemery - #106032)
- Fix typo in Blink strings (@Betacart - #106641)
- Fixed native apparent temperature in WeatherEntity (@kukulich - #106645)
- Fix yolink entity descriptions (@emontnemery - #106649)
- Use set instead of list in Systemmonitor (@gjohansson-ST - #106650)
- Handle no permission for disks in Systemmonitor (@gjohansson-ST - #106653)
- Fix changed_variables in automation traces (@emontnemery - #106665)
- Bump thermobeacon-ble to 0.6.2 (@bdraco - #106676)
- Bump roombapy to 1.6.10 (@bdraco - #106678)
- Bump asyncsleepiq to v1.4.1 (@kbickar - #106682)
- Fix missed cached_property for hvac_mode in climate (@bdraco - #106692)
- Pin lxml to 4.9.4 (@bdraco - #106694)
- Add missing vacuum toggle service description (@frenck - #106729)
- Fix Zlinky energy polling in ZHA (@dmulcahey - #106738)
- Bump reolink_aio to 0.8.5 (@starkillerOG - #106747)
- Bump pyunifiprotect to 4.22.4 (@bdraco - #106749)
- Bump habluetooth to 2.0.1 (@bdraco - #106750)
- Bump ZHA dependencies (@puddly - #106756)
- Bump pyatmo to v8.0.2 (@cgtobi - #106758)