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Henry m edited this page Feb 1, 2023 · 5 revisions


  • Adapter -
  • AMQP protocol - message broker protocol.
  • Anonymous function - lambda function
    • Aka Closure(Bal17,p94)
  • Cases
    • camelCase
    • kebab-case
    • PascalCase
    • snake_case
  • Composable -
  • declaration - XXX
  • elision - XXX
  • expression-oriented language - XXX
  • Higher order functions - The function again is an example of a higher order function, which is a function that takes another function (or more than one) as parameter(Bal17,p93).
  • idempotent - a property of some operations such that no matter how many times you execute them, you achieve the same result. (
  • IDL - Interface Definition Language.
  • Mocking - emulates responses for requests
  • polyglot - knowing or using several languages.
  • polymorphics - When a function can acecpt arguments of different type(Bal17,p123)
  • promise - represents a delayed result that will be available later. See also Reactors(Kol19,p95)
  • Reactors - A reactor allows a developer to run multiple activities in the same thread. A reactor keeps a set of promises and continues to poll until it is completed and the result is returned. see also promises(Kol19,p95)
  • Stack - XXXwhat-and-where-are-the-stack-and-heap
    • the stack has a limited size, the size of the heap can grow as much as the space needed(Bal17,p55).
  • Statement - XXX
  • TDD - Test-Driven Development.
    • is suitable for projects that have a good specification, because if you haven't decided on the solution, you will have to rewrite tests multiple times. In other words, TDD is not suitable for projects in which bugs are not critical, but where high-speed development is required(kol18,p330).

Karnaugh map

Mathematics in games


2-D Rotational energy

I'm guessing it will attemp equilibrium, so that the Ekin of the liniar movement and the rotational kinetic energy will be the same (hmm I guess if the two energies are oposed) well if the rotation and the linear are the same then the energy is preserved???